Help With .jar Files

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Eamon N., May 30, 2014.

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    Eamon N.

    Hey guys! I'm trying to use the DEV version of Essentials to use on 1.7.9. I'm not to sure on how to make them into a jar file. -_- Can someone make the folders into jars? I tried compressing them them then just changing the ending to .jar, but it didn't work. If no one can do so, do you mind giving steep-by-step help (I'm on Mac.)?

    Here is a zip of the folders I need to be jars:

    Thanks in advance,

    Attached Files:

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    rename the files with a .jar at the end.
  3. Offline

    Eamon N.

    Did that... It didn't work. See above.
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    try redownloading it from here
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    Eamon N.

    Thanks jacklin213, this worked like a charm... haha.

    Check it out on my server:
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