Solved Help Recipe+Durability

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by noraver, Mar 30, 2013.

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    ran into a little sang wondering if anyone could help

    createLeatherArmourRecipes("Leather", Material.LEATHER, Color.WHITE, (short)400);
    private void createLeatherArmourRecipes(String name, Material mat, Color color, Short durability) {
    createLeatherPiece("Helm", new String[] {"  ", "*%*", "* *"}, Material.LEATHER_HELMET, name, mat, color, durability);
    private void createLeatherPiece(String suffix, String[] shape, Material item, String name, Material mat, Color color, Short durability) {
    ItemStack is = new ItemStack(item, 1);
    LeatherArmorMeta im = (LeatherArmorMeta)is.getItemMeta();
    im.setDisplayName(name+" "+suffix);
    im trying to changed the durability of the leather armor that is made higher then Diamond Armor
    each time i made the armor they all are 1 shots and broken all the code works fine just that durability im having problems with

    p.s. anyone know how to remove the words dyed from dyed armor
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    The durability in this case is the damage, for example 1 durability is 1 use. If you want more than the standard durability, use a negative number. (e.g. -400)
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    i tryed (short)-400) but it just put the durability to 0
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    It looks like it is at zero, but it should not take damage (at least not visible). Otherwise, bukkit rejects negative damages. (Trust me, it is possible) To see the damage, press both F3 and H at the same time
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    tested it on a
    Iron Sword A = 250 hits
    Dura-2000 Iron Sword B = 250 hits

    Leather Helm A = 55 hits
    Dura-2500 Leather Helm B = 55 hits

    Leather Boots A = 64 hits
    Dura-2500 Leather Boots B = 64 hits

    Leather Leggings A = 75 hits
    Dura-2500 Leather Leggings B = 75 hits

    Leather Chest A = 80 hits
    Dura-2500 Leather Chest B = 80 hits

    No Change found in any of them =\
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