[Help] Permissions Plugin's'

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheLimaBeanman, Dec 5, 2011.

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    I am working on a new plugin called 'Ruler' It is a Anti-Grief Plugin thing. I want to make this plugin Permissions compatible, but there is too many Permissions plugins. I mean There 'was' a plugin called Permissions and few others but they won't work anymore.

    I wish i could know the list of any Permissions Plugin, that gives User groups and such.
    (ex. bPermissions: [Link to BukkitDev])

    Also If I can ask of any plugin developers, How I can create my 'Own' Permissions plugin. I got an idea of what should It do. It will compress all the 'great' things of the other permissions plugin and add few features that is really needed. This is not that Required at this moment, but I wish I could know later on.

    For now, I wish you guys can help me find the Permissions Plugins!!

    Oh also I am not a new Java coder, I am just new to Bukkit plugins. such as the classes and such.
    I can just figure out myself, but I think it is better to get other people's experienced ideas.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2016
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    For 99.99% of plugins, there is only one API you need to know: player.hasPermission("my.permission.node") - all of the modern permission managers just populate the system with these rudimentary nodes based on various groups and worlds, and save these in a way that admins can back up or manipulate easily. Just use that one API, and you'll be compatible with all of them.
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    Please no! No more permission's plugins! We've got enough already.

    Just make it compatible with multiple existing permisssion plugins and have it default to Bukkit permissions.
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    You just made my life easier.
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    No, Bukkit did, about 2 or three releases ago. :)
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