help making guests not able to build (using permissions)

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by undefinedarray, Feb 20, 2011.

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    hello, i have a little problem, my server hasnt been recieving any new players, so if i post my ip on minecraft fourms, a load of people come and start greifing, and i came up with a idea, to not let guests be able to build and destroy, but im having some trouble with that...

    i tried going into permissions config, and changing build to false but for some reason, every class or rank is not able to build, even if their build is true, how can i fix this?
  2. Offline


    You need the Anti-build plugin for build: false to work.
    Like wise you need iChat for prefix and suffix to work.
    Both of those plugins are from the same author as permissions.
  3. Offline


    ok, i installed and loaded antibuild, and build: false (in persmissions) but yet guests can still destroy/place blocks, maybe im forgetting a command on antibuild or something?
  4. Offline


    There are no commands for antibuild.

    Please post your permissions config to pastebin

    What bukkit version are you using?
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    The file is fine. Except you might want to try changing the Guest group name back to default.

    If that doesn't work, You're probably going to have to use an older version of bukkit. Try 325 if you can find it. There seems to be some issues with the bleeding edge builds and plugins.
    --- merged: Feb 21, 2011 2:30 AM ---
    The file is fine. Except you might want to try changing the Guest group name back to default.

    If that doesn't work, You're probably going to have to use an older version of bukkit. Try 325 if you can find it. There seems to be some issues with the bleeding edge builds and plugins.
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