Help implementing CommandExecutor

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Warren2497, Jan 20, 2015.

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    Can someone help me crack down what i did wrong with the Command executor. Were trying to make it where you can type /points to view your points.



    I have the classes seperated by the long space. And again thanks you to anyone who can help
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    @Warren2497 Well first of all, you said that the command points was inside your main class? Since you have the command "points" inside a different class, where you state the executor, instead of this, the executor should be the class that has the command.

    The final code inside your on enable should be:
    this.getCommand("points").setExecutor(new PlayerListener(this));
    You also are not enabling your listener. You should do this inside the constructor of your PlayerListener class by adding the following code to it:
            public PlayerListener(ScoreKeeper plugin){
               Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, plugin);
    Warren2497 likes this.
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    @Warren2497 Well you never said what is not happening and what is supposed to be happening. But from looking at your code, I can see fairly easily what your problem is.
    1. You are not registering the CommandExecutor, you are registering your JavaPlugin object as a CommandExecutor (which is not needed at all) rather than the PlayerListener object.
    2. You are not registering your Listener either. You are just creating it.
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    Thanks, ill try it out soon

    Thanks it worked! Im eternally grateful :p also just 1 more question when players log out and back in there "points" reset back to zero. Either one of you know why off top of your head?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
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    Store something other than the player object in the arraylist. (Their name or uuid)
    When players logout it can cause memory leaks if you're storing its object.
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