Plugin Help Help for plugin and request of 1.

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Scorpionvssub, Sep 13, 2015.

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    Im working on a plugin called PointSystem which on its own doesnt do much but keep scores and has 3 commands 1 to see your points 1 to add and 1 to delete.

    The issue atm though it doesnt create the userdata folder(Wanted to do it by uuid but since it wouldn't allow that in the way i was hoping... well yea.. Atm what it does is: /plugin/PointSystem/UserData/... the ... should have a name of any player that joined but those never get created. No errors in console either.

    The idea of the point system is so if i make a minigame that plugin would hold all gained points and also for other minigames that would then be able to get/store it there.

    The request:

    - pk start <arena name> *Starting location of set arena.*
    - pk leave <arena name> *This usually is the main lobby but a seperater can be usefull.*
    - pk end <arena name> *This sets the location of where the parkour ends and ur teleported back to the arena's lobby.*
    - pk checkpoint <arena name> <number> *This would set the checkpoint but allowing multiple checkpoints incase u fail at some point ur put back at the latest checkpoint*
    - pk setfailzone <arena name> <zone name> *This is the floor(s) that u are not allowed to fall on, and set you back at the latest checkpoint(Or start if u never managed to get there.)

    - pk.join.<arena> *this allows you to join arena specific or all arena's but not for free* {Default: true}
    - pk.join.<arena>.free *This allows you to join an arena specified for free regardless what the costs are* {default: OP}
    - pk.setup *This is the permission for setting the start/leave/end/checkpoints for an arena {Default OP}

    I been looking through dozens of Parkour plugins most of em seem advanced but extremely hard to set up and the author doesnt tell you much about the setup or its all in complete spanish which i don't speak at all..

    I was looking for a Parkour that uses point based system where it would cost you whatever is on the sign to purchase access to that parkour, this rather then using a ton of permissions to go into the arena.

    If u manage to finish it, it will give some points preferably configurable in the config and adds those to the PointSystem,

    The setfailzone or ground on which u build when solid would be selected with worldguard and if u fall on it you are placed back at the starting location OR your last checkpoint, defined via command and gold pressure plates.
    By default lava and water arent lethal but teleport u straight back to the start location/checkpoint rather than killing the 1 falling in.

    For questions more details on this just ask!
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