Health/Hunger System

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by coolperez8, Nov 27, 2014.

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    Hi, I found a great plugin called HungerMe, I also tried using HealthPlus because on 1.6 the health API updated and doesn't work with HungerMe, so I thought I should request a plugin to be developed. Here's the info:

    Name: HeartHunger

    This plugin can be used simply to set another player's health/hunger.

    Also, with commands, you can substitute /hh for /HeartHunger. Also, if you use a command, and type the command with "-n" after it (ex: /hh -n) it will simply not output any text to anybody, the only thing outputted to the console is the thing you see when someone runs a command (Directly implemented into bukkit, such as "coolperez8 used /fly")

    /hh (or /hh with the first argument invalid (ex. /hh awewatacutepuppy)) - If run without arguments, will give a description of the plugin (Requires the permission: "")
    /hh i (hp) (hu) - This command triggers Invinvible Mode (What it does is wait for you to take damage, then sets your health (hp) and hunger (hu) to the amount defined, if no amounts was given for a particular string, it will default as -1, if the amount -1 was given, it will not set the value when taking damage, requires the permission: "hh.i")
    /hh hp (hp) (player) - Sets the health for a (player) to (hp), if no (player) is given, it will default as yourself (if your name was coolperez8, it will be treated as if you defined coolperez8; requires "hh.hp")
    /hh hu (hu) (player) - Sets the hunger for a (player) to (hu), if no (player) is given, it will default as yourself (if your name was coolperez8, it will be treated as if you defined coolperez8; requires "")

    When I want it by:
    2014's black friday (11/28/2014)
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