Those plugins don't put the blocks on your head, all you can make them do is do the /hat command which is useless if there is nothing in your hand.
Famous Guy DatMinecrafterFTW Yebol tryy3 timtower Plugin completed The plugin will not be posted on Bukkit Dev anytime soon as it would be a waste of my time writing out what this thing does. I DO NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO POST IT ON BUKKIT DEV CLAIMING THAT IT IS YOUR OWN. If you make a version of this plugin out of this plugin (clone project edit files) you MUST give me credit in that plugin. If anyone is caught not following those rules i will remove the source code from the public. (These bullet points are subject to change at any time.) Before i give you the source you need to know a few things... It is not tested. If you end up using this plugin and find a bug please tell me i will fix it immediately. I wrote this plugin in about 1 hour. So, there will most likely be errors I have never used IconMenu before (i always made my own inventory GUI) so, don't complain if it doesn't work Does not currently support data values... WOOL:15 will not work and throw an error. If you want a feature added to this plugin send me a private message with the title "HatsGUI request" I will not help you compile the plugin, edit the plugin, or coach u on how to use the plugin. The Plugin Commands: /hatgui -- Opens the hat GUI menu without having to click on the block.Permissions: Hats.Use -- the uppercase letters are requiredSource:
Famous Guy Its Updated. Code pushed to the same repo stated above. Things Changed GUI no longer requires you to click a placed block. Now uses items in inventory. GUI Block can have a data value (Something like "WOOL:14" but without the "WOOL:" GUI Block can have Lore GUI Block can glow (if specified in config) Give GUI Block only to people with "Hats.Use" or give it to everyone when they login. (if you give it to everything it still requires the "Hats.Use" in order to use). Config Changed... "Open-GUI-Block" changed to "Item" "Item" has "Material, Name, Lore, Glow, Data-Value" If you drop the hats GUI it will tell you to drop it again if you want to remove it. Remove Hats GUI Block on Log out. As Always Same rules still apply that were stated in this post If you find any bugs tell me and i will fix them as fast as possible if you want something added send me a pm following the directions stated in this post
Famous Guy I am breaking my own rules here Download an IDE (Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ IDEA, etc) clone the repo (from the link i have given multiple times) Import the code into your IDE then compile the plugin... If you are unable to do it please ask someone else to do it for you. But not me.
Famous Guy, I compiled the plugin, not taking any credit at all! BTW: Goblom it isn't recommended to store Player's in a hashmap, try using storing the player name instead ( can't find a link right now )
timtower I know its not recommended due to memory leaks but i type alot and saving into a hashmap with player is much easier to write then player.getName(); plus i always remove the player from the hashmap if the player leaves the game. so no memory leaks
toxictroop /hatsgui (that should be it) Edit: Can the title of this topic be changed to solved Famous Guy
When I right click a red wool block it doesn't open the GUI. What default block do I right click? How do I do that?
Famous Guy Where it says Hats GUI on the top left look to the right of that and you should see something like "Edit Topic" or "Edit Title" click it and something should pop up look for the word "(prefix)" and click that then click filled then click save.
Top right corner, thread tools, edit thread. And clicking with a default red wool won't work, you probably have a modified version in your inventory
timtower you MUST have the same item given to you from the config.. If its default red wool it should NOT work.
timtower What do you mean by "And clicking with a default red wool won't work, you probably have a modified version in your inventory" :s What is it by default?