Filled Hats GUI

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Famous Guy, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Offline

    Famous Guy

    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: HatsVIP

    What I want: I need a plugin that when you right click a redwool block (item which can be edited in the config), it opens a single chest row GUI and there is blocks like this: You can edit the hat blocks in the config. And the names will have color code.

    Ideas for commands: none

    Ideas for permissions: Hats.Use

    When I'd like it by: Take your time!
    Yebol likes this.
  2. Offline


    I'm currently making this, per request of someone else. I will try and as much configurability as possible.
  3. Offline

    Famous Guy

    When its finished can I have it also?
  4. Offline


    Famous Guy
    Yes, I will be posting it on the dev bukkit so anyone can download it.
  5. Offline

    Famous Guy

    When will it be done?
  6. Offline


    Famous Guy
    I am fairly busy right now, but I will try and get it done within the next 1-2 weeks
  7. I Am Hoping To Help
  8. Offline



    Here Is A Logo I Made

    Attached Files:

    Famous Guy likes this.
  10. Offline


    You know what I do? I just use ChestCommands and make my own GUI.
  11. Offline

    Famous Guy

  12. Offline


    BUMP!! I want to see someone make this :D
    Famous Guy likes this.
  13. Offline


    hmm... so a chest gui that got blocks, and if you click one of those, you get that block as a hat?
  14. Offline

    Famous Guy

  15. Offline


    Famous Guy
    Shouldn't be too hard to do, I get started when I am more awake
    Famous Guy likes this.
  16. Offline


    This plugin really isnt that hard to make, Im even able to make a gui with all the blocks on the gui slots, and when left clicked it adds the block onto the character!

    and make a config so that when you right click a empty slot, you can choose what block you want in the slot with the #ID of the block that they want to do /hat with, and also btw, you dont want the main command to be hat, because it interfer with essentials! so you need to rename it, or get someone to recode the hat command for essentials and rename it to something else! Essentials Gives Away The Source! BTW
    Famous Guy likes this.
  17. Offline


    You know that essentials got a really low priority right?
    So essentials allow plugins to override their commands in almost all cases!
  18. Offline


    that's if you override it, but why do you want to take away the original command?
  19. Offline

    Famous Guy

    So will you make it?

  20. Offline


    mactown21 You could remove it from the .jars plugin.yml
  21. Offline


    Im done making the plugin but, the way that ive made it is that, the item is on there head, but dont show inside there armor slots, (helment_slot), Ima see why this isnt working or make a command where it can take the armor off the head that was placed
  22. Offline


    Its less of a bump and more of a reply. A bump is when someone replies within 24 hours without someone else replying first.
    timtower likes this.
  23. Offline

    Famous Guy

  24. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    1. What is updated about it?
    2. Nice caps
    3. Wasn't mactown21 already working on this? ( no need for bumps then )
  25. Offline


    Please name this something unique because Hats is such a plain name and loads of plugins are called it :p
  26. Offline

    Famous Guy

    Updated the post :D
  27. Offline


    Sounds much better :D
  28. Offline

    Famous Guy

  29. Offline


    ChestCommands GUI by FilogHost

    SimpleGUI Creator by myself

    I could go on... There are an extreme amount of GUI plugins out there. Just do some simple DBO searches
  30. Offline

    Famous Guy


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