Hashmap Saving keeps making new Hashmaps..

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by 20lilwill20, Apr 3, 2014.

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    Okay basically I got a scoreboard saving thing all up and running
    However, It ment to be everytime they join they get 1 point
    When the server reloads, or turns off it will save it to a file,
    and then when turned on again it will load it,
    However it keeps making new lines every restart or shutdown. For example, If i restart the server 20 times, there are 20 of mu username on my config file.. Please help, here is my code http://pastebin.com/nXGNvtK8
  2. Offline


    It gets the list, adds more names to it, and saves it. What did you expect?
  3. Offline


    Well yeah, But how do I get it so it only makes 1 save per user?
  4. Offline


    Don't add it to the list if it's already in the list?
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    Tried that, I tried to say, if it is in the list, then change that line to the thing, But it didn't do anything
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