It doesn't matter to me, it's your plugin. If you choose to release it, I will support you, I am sure many others would like it.
Iron_Crystal chilly told me that he wants to make it private. for the only ise of me and chilly... But im not sure you should ask him
Does this mean I can't lurk and watch now? :/ I have been accepted into chilly's server, if that's any help Iron_Crystal xchilly38x Mig_B TheFluffey Just hoping I could continue to watch, please let me know one way or another. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Probably. As stated early in this thread and through pms, Mig_B and chilly wanted this to be a private plugin for their Harry Potter servers
Is it formatted correctly? Often people won't do it if it is not formatted correctly. I just took a look at your thread and you posted it at 10:00 this morning. you aren't going to get results very quickly
Well, you would type in /spells while holding a stick and you would go into "spells" mode. Cast with left click and change spells with right click
Aaw, I hate private plugins. Not that I really have any use for this but I always like it better when the community has access to them. Oh well, seems you got something pretty good going here, best of luck!
Hi Guys! I am amaze at your plugin abilities and i wanted to ask if i could use this plugin for my server which is a harry potter server... i can even pay you a little bit if you let me use the plugin! thanks! Miles
Hey, i made a plugin about a week ago, which is kinda like harry potter plugin, you craft different wands using materials, each one can cast a list of configurable spells, and you can configure the spells and wands names to be from the harry potter. If you want to check it out here it is: LINK If you need any help with the config post on the plugin or PM me, or if you have an idea for a new spell just message me and ill try to add it.