I'm looking for a plugin that lets me have only one world be hardcore that could reset automatically. The only way I can think of doing this is make a world then upload it to the server in hardcore mode but then you get banned from the whole server and not just the world. Is there a plugin to do this already? Thanks in advance. Edit: Words.
You want a plugin that if a player dies on a world, you get kicked from that world instead of the whole server?
Yes as well as how to have the world reset after a certain amount of time sorry I was so unclear about it.
nicofig I am going to attempt to make this, But I'm not going to do reset if that's all right with you, its going to save into the config.yml and if you want to reset just remove everyones name. I hope this will help you.
I dont think he mentioned that reset but a "world reset"... So the world will always remain clean. If you can still do it, do it (; world reset after x hours and ban from the world after dying on it. Got it (will make if Chibbey wont)
You can make a data.yml file, save there the player names and in config.yml to put a time variable in seconds and every "time" seconds to clean the data.yml
rfsantos1996 Chibbey Dang thanks a lot guys its very kind of you to make this plugin. Hopefully a lot of people will like/use it.
Ok, Chibbey told me that he is busy with another plugin. So I'll try to make it (; But can you explain me if you want the world to reset after some time, or reset the "ban list"?
Well I was hoping that the whole world would reset along with the banlist because it has more of a hardcore feel to it like when you lose a single player hardcore world you have to start again.
I just work with MySQL, I'm experienced with it, dont need other plugin/libs. Thats what he need/want, I dont see a reason for that. You would reset other people work just to have a clean world from banned people's blocks, so if you delete their blocks when they are banned, its fine..
If that's he wants then whoever accepts the plugin does that unless they drop the plugin or something else is negotiated.
yeah, he said that before I tried to offer a BETTER thing/feature. If you want to reset the world every amount of time, just delete the freaking folder with the same seed on server.properties. I'm not making this, yeah I'm being a child now but you pissed me with your literal reading thing that you are doing. If you want to make the reset world thing and dont allow a player teleport to a world if he is banned from it, make it yourself or another guy, I wont try to offer any feature now, I dont make requests, I'm trying to make a good plugin to make a better server.
rfsantos1996 No need to be over-the-top. It's not literal reading. It's just listening to the requester. Also, unless you negotiated this 'induividual' player thing with the requester that's not what he wants. P.S. There's an exploit with your plan anyways. Player 1 mines diamonds Gives them to player 2 Player 1 kills himself The diamonds respawn. Rinse and repeat.
placed blocks only And you dont know if he thinks my idea is better, I wouldnt play on a server where you have your items on a chest (pvp = a lot of items) and on the other day is gone just to make the world clean.
The world would get drained of resources. So newbies would have to walk 1000's of blocks for untampered terrain.
random spawn plugin, the world is 262144000000000000 blocks, I offered him the place block reset thing, if he has another server idea like the hardcore world is just a resource world because the main world cant be mined for example, I would understand, I just asked the opinion of the requester before making it, I dont know his server and how it works, if the requester answer as fast as you, it would be faster to make the plugin because I would understand exacly what he wants and make a plugin to fit perfecly on his server.
Okay then. I hope the poster finds what he is looking for. Regardless of who does it and how they do it.
I wasn't asking for the same world to come back and apparently I made people think that so my apologies. A different world would be fine and probably the better way to go about making the plugin anyway. Again sorry about being so unclear about things once again.
Alright I need: A plugin which bans you from a world of my choosing when you die in it. After an allotted amount of time a randomly generated world will take its place and the banlist will be reset along with the inventories of any surviving players so anybody can join with a clean inventory after that. Jesus im bad at this.
Got it, do you have any other world or any inventory control plugin? Separate inventories is a little difficult
So I just have to make the ban and world recreation? Ok, i'll try later (just finished another request, then i'll look into this) (;