[HARD] Jump tracker

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MrFrozen, Jul 13, 2015.

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    Hey guys,

    I wanna see if the player jumps a specific way and I do have the start of it by checking if the player jumps amd it does work good.
        public void onMove (PlayerMoveEvent e) {
            if (e.isCancelled()) {
            // Y was 79 jumped says 80
            // v LONG VALUES v
            // 80.00133597911214
            // 80.16610926093821
            // ==
            // 80.16610926093821
            // 80.24918707874468
            if(e.getTo().getY() > e.getFrom().getY()) {
                Player p = e.getPlayer();
                if (p.getLocation().subtract(0, 1, 0).getBlock().getType().equals(Material.AIR)) {
                    if (!p.isFlying()) {
                        long userY = Math.round(p.getLocation().getY());
                        String userJ = userY + ".24918707874468";
                        String userJJ = "" + e.getTo().getY();
                        if(userJJ.equals(userJ)) {
                            //Player Jumped
    Now I wanna check if the user makes this jump anywhere in the world:
    * Iron Block = Start
    * Gold Block = Jump End

    The values may have a little margin if that makes life ez
  2. Offline


    When they jump, store their location. When they land, compare that location and see if the distances for the x and z value are correct.
  3. Offline


    Store it in what? I do not know what is the best way
  4. In a HashMap<UUID, List<Location>>
    Btw: Isn't it easier to just check if the block under the player (y - 0.1 or something like this) is not iron or gold?
  5. Offline


    Normally it can be any block you want but iron & gold was for explaining purposes!
  6. Then do it with locations instead of gold & iron. Check if p.isOnGround() and if the blocks location under him isn't in the list of locations you have. If this is true the player failed the jump
  7. Offline


    Woow I get confused. I will waste my time on this to find it out myself cause this wont help me furthur.

    Thanks for your suggestions!
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