Hacking Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by sakuto29, Mar 11, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Change your passwords. Also, I think Worldguard has something to prevent commands from being executed by OPs without permissions. Not sure if that would help, but you could try. If the server is running offline-mode, change that. You could also ask for a list of IP's that accessed your control panel, to see if they really got into your panel. Also try re-downloading all your plugins from BukkitDev, so you're sure they don't contain any malware.
    drtshock likes this.
  2. Offline

    Super User

    OP has solved the issue no need to post on what others have already said.
  3. Offline


    Super User I deleted that part and changed it to something a bit less harsh because I'm not like that. I only mark down points I felt like covering. Stop trying to say you know what your saying when we proved all your posts wrong. If you want to start a flame war bring it outside the bukkit community.
  4. Offline


    Bukkit team does not support offline mode servers, simple as that, no need to be mad everyone :)
  5. Offline

    Super User

    Okay then please explain how you use a proxy on a Minecraft server.
    How my server ends up on "hacking websites" and how exactly you can take down my cracked server.
    I am done, MasterMustard is clearly not supporting his "facts" and I refuse to argue anymore or this will result in infractions for both of us.
  6. Offline


    Almost any hacking client has the feature. Did you read my posts?
  7. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    We are not going to discuss exploiting plugins here, thanks.
    Super User likes this.
  8. Offline

    Super User

    Can you lock the thread? OP has his issue solved and this is leading to flaming.
  9. Offline


    I don't see the Thread-starter saying the problem has been solved anywhere on this thread. I'm actually trying to help the guy, while you're having your flame-war with mastermustard. I will not be replying to anything off-topic on this thread anymore.
    mastermustard likes this.
  10. Offline

    Super User

    Actually everyone before you posted the exact same thing so you aren't really helping OP at all.
  11. Offline


    Nor are you recommending he goes into unsecure mode because you don't want to pay for the game
  12. Offline

    Super User

    I'm not recommending that, I actually have bought Minecraft. I am simply stating the fact that everyone is being dicks about one boolean.
  13. Offline


    Offline mode servers are insecure by nature and not supported here at Bukkit. Offline mode has its uses, but running a public server is not one of them.

    If you chose to run an offline mode server, go ahead, have fun. Don't come to us seeking assistance as it will not be supported here. Locked. [tnt]
    xiMatt, mastermustard and Super User like this.
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