Solved h_() replacement on EntityPlayer?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CommonSenze, Mar 31, 2018.

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    Hello all,

    I've come into another dilemma. In 1.7 there was a method called h_() [Found in EntityPlayer], and from my understanding. it was a check to see if a player was on a ladder (I'm not really sure I'm assuming based on how others used it.). My question goes as follows:
    Since h_() isnt there for 1.8, where is its replacement. If there is non, is there an accurate way I can replace it?
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    You could try using the API and check if the players is "inside" a ladder (checking for both the feet and chest).
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    If(Player#getLocation().getBlock().getType == Material.LADDER ||
    Player#getLocation().add(0,1,0).getBlock().getType == Material.LADDER){
    //player may be using the ladder.
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