
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Ah_Roon, Jul 22, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Minecraft version: 1.7.10, 1.8

    Suggested name: GunMinigames

    What I want:
    First, I will introduce GunMinigames, An Minigame Round System on Server.
    The plugin is inspired by Call of Duty Multiplayer Mode and Team Fortress 2.
    And this minigame plugins has inspired by PGM. (PvP Game Manager on Project Ares)
    Can fully edit custom messages. (Like AFK Teleport Message, Game timer, Game win, etc.)
    Supports Flans Mod Items (Only Official Content Pack)
    Supports FeatherBoard, CrackShot, Vanish(Like Essentials, SuperVanish), Vault
    Supports many gamemodes.
    Core Gamemodes:
    - Free-For-All
    - Team Deathmatch ☆
    - King of the Hill (Inspired by Team Fortress 2.) ☆
    - Attack & Defend (Inspired by Team Fortress 2) ☆
    - Payload (Add if possible. Inspired by Team Fortress 2.) ☆
    - Control Points (Includes on Competitive Mode, Inspired by Team Fortress 2) ☆
    - Last Man Standing
    - Last Team Standing ☆
    - Capture the Flag ☆
    - Search and Destroy ☆
    - Infection
    - Solo, Duo, Squad Survival Games ♢ (Like Playerunknown's Battlegrounds!)

    - And you can customize your own Minigame and Minigame Objective! ♤

    Mixed Minigames:
    Attack and Defend CTF ☆
    Last Team Standing (4 Teams Match) ☆
    Team Deathmatch (4 Teams Match) ☆
    Hold the Flag
    More Coming soon...

    Arcade Minigames:
    Mech Wars (You have to get the Flans Mod to play.) ☆
    Racing - Runner & Defenders
    Explosive Spleef
    Defend the Core

    Competitive Minigames:
    Please view the tags down below.

    Additional Minigames:
    You can create your own minigames!

    ☆ - Includes on Competitive Mode
    ♢ - Includes on Competitive Mode, Duo, Squad Mode only
    ♤ - Can set a gamemode to Competitive Mode

    Can customize gamemode settings on each maps.
    On Survival Games mode, You can set the max players per team.
    Can set custom Team Name on each maps.
    You can set the spawn, enemy spawn(Only Arena), enemy spawn, Powerup spawn and Item spawn.
    Barrier! You can make barrier to not leave the arena with Fly Hack, etc.
    Can set Maps and Waiting Room via selecting regions with WorldEdit and use /gmg createmap <name>.
    Can join spectator team.
    Stamina Points. If you run too much, the player will be exhausted.
    If the configuration,maps file is wrong, will be notified instead of resetting. (Will be used default setting instead of broken config file)
    Can set the waiting lobby on server.
    The player will be sent to lobby/spawn when they are afk. (Time can be customized.)
    Can customize map information on maps.yml file. (You can set Map Rules, Map author(s), Map Descriptions, Objectives.)
    Can vote an next map by players with GUI or going to rotations. (Or it can be disabled on settings.)
    Can fully customize classes on each maps on classes file.
    Can fully customize(add, manage) your own teams in game.
    Can select an classes with GUI.
    Can set custom sounds. (When the round is over, Your team was won or lost, Timer Count, etc.)
    You can buy the Vanity items(Like Particles, Death Effects, Taunt, etc.) in shop GUI.
    Can set Match limit like Time, Score Limit, Live limit.
    - TIme Limit is when the specified time is over, The match will be ended.
    - Score limit is when the player or team has reached, The match will be ended.
    - Live limit is when the player has ran out of lives, They will be moved to Dead players. They can spectate or leave the match. (As dead player, You can leave the match without penalty.)
    Can make a match to join only Matchmaking. If the Matchmaking was enabled on the config, You can't use Join Sign and commands. You need to make a sign with [Quene] at line 1, You can even specify the gamemode name at line 2. If the player has been added to quene, They will join on the server with many players and even not full.
    You can set penelty for leaving player on match. (e.g. Warn -> 1 Day No Reward Penelty -> 3 Days Matchmaking/Match Ban)
    Configuration/Maps/Class files supports an colorcode.
    Can make a match for Competitive mode.
    You can edit the plugin's GUI Messages.
    You can edit powerup. (e.g. Health Pack, Speed, Item Spawner, etc.)
    Supports CraftBukkit, Bukkit, Spigot, KCauldron/Cauldron/Thermos/Sponge 1.7.10 and 1.8 Versions.
    Currency System. You can buy the class upgrade with GUI.
    Premade teams. This includes as:
    - Police
    - Terrorist
    - SWAT
    - School Survivors
    - Japanese Empire
    - Survivors
    - Zombies
    - Korea Independent Army
    - Monsters
    - BlackSquad Security Enterprise
    - FBI
    - America
    - North Korea
    - South Korea
    - British
    - Soviet
    - German
    - ISIL
    - Builders League United
    - Reliable Excavation Demolition
    - Blue
    - Red
    - Yellow
    - Green
    - Spleef Challengers
    - Runner
    - Defender
    - Player
    Max 3 Upgrades on classes.
    Leaderboard system! You will be placed on leaderboard by kills, wins, weekly kills, weekly wins.
    Can respawn without 'You Died!' GUI, That means you can set the respawn time.
    Respawn time can be configurable on each maps.
    Leveling System! You can set max Levels, max EXP, And EXP Rewards on Kill, Wins, Lose.
    You can buy the Event Token like Stratus Network's Mutation Token. If you use the token, You can choose many events on Gamemode, and next game you join, The Event will be enabled. (Like TNT Rain, Lighting Strike, Boss, etc.)
    You can add Signs, that you can:
    - Join/Quit/Spectate the game.
    - Bet the game who will won. The winning player/team will get an coin.
    - Leaderboard.
    - Join the Quene with Matchmaking.
    - Join the Quene with Competitive Matchmaking.
    Can change the Currency Name.
    Player will be instantly killed when the player fell off to the void, region, etc.
    Fire cannot be spread in arena when using Molotov, Flamethrower. And the Fire will be removed after 8 seconds. You can configure the setting on config.yml.
    You can invite a player to Friend, and Party, Clan.
    - Friend: You can add a player to friend list. When the friend list is accepted, You can spectate the friend's match, And Gift the Coins, etc.
    - Party: You can invite the friend(s) to party. You can't invite the player to party when they aren't on the friend list. You will be placed on same team with your party member.
    - Clan: You can invite the users to Clan. You can communicate with others with ! (Messages). Can fight or make the alliance with others. Can add clan name to blacklist.

    Minigame Description:
    Free For All - You need to fight with other players in this mode. First to reach specific scores or many kills after timeout will win the game.

    Team Deathmatch - Fight with opposing teams in this mode. First to reach specific scores or many kills after timeout will win the game.

    King of the Hill - If the game starts, the Capture point will be opened on specific time(30 seconds by default). If your team captures the points, your team must hold the capture point until the 3 minutes is passed(can be configurable).

    Attack and Defend - Attacker team must capture the all capture points, Defender team must stop the attacker team to capture. Can customize custom teams.

    Payload - You need to take the Payload to the final point. If the Attacker team captures the mid point, the match time will be added. But the Defender team must defend the Payload. If the time ran out, The Defender team will won the game.

    Control Points - Your team have to capture all 3 or 5 points to win. But enemy can capture the control points in this gamemode.

    Last Man/Team Standing - You or your team need to be the last man or team to win. If you kill the player or died, You or Enemy can't respawn on this gamemode and you/enemy user will be moved to Dead Spectator.

    Capture the Flag - You need to capture the flag on specific times per map or many capture after timeout to win.

    Search and Destroy - This team have Attacker or Defender team. Attacker have to find the Bomb site (A, B) and plant the bomb. After 45 seconds, The bomb will be exploded and Attacker team will won the round. Anyone near the bomb will be dead after explosion.
    Defender team must prevent the Attacker team to plant the bomb. If you defuse the bomb at bomb site or time has ran out, the Defender team will won the round. You can set the max Rounds per game(8 by default).

    Infected - After the game starts, One of player will become a zombie. First Zombie can use their weapons in 30 seconds, After 30 seconds, They will lose the weapon and can only use the knife. If the survivor is died, They will moved to Zombie team. Survivors must survive from the Zombie's attack in 3 minutes(You can customize the time), And the Zombies team must kill all the Survivors before the time ran out.

    Survival Games - This gamemode has inspired by two games, Survival Games in Mineplex and Playerunknown's Battlegrounds. This mode have 3 modes to play; Solo, Duo, Squad.

    Flags: (Will be added soon)

    Events: (Will be added soon)

    Ideas for commands: <> = Required, [] = Optional
    /gmg - Shows an help page and information. (Aliases: /gmg help)
    /gmg createmap <name> <shortname> - Create an map.
    /gmg listmap [page] List an added maps.
    /gmg removemap <shortname> - Remove an maps.
    /gmg reload - Reload an configuration file.
    /gmg start - Forcefully starts an round.
    /gmg stop - Forcefully stops an round and move to another map.
    /gmg afkkick - Forcefully send afk players to lobby or spawn.
    /map - Sees an map information.
    /gmg addrot <shortname> - Add an map to rotation.
    /gmg listrot [page] - Lists an rotation.
    /gmg removerot <shortname> - Remove a map from rotation.
    /join - Ability to join a match.
    /leave - Ability to leave a match.
    /classes - Opens a Classes GUI.
    /shop - You can upgrade the Gears, Classes, etc.
    /coins give <player> <amount> - Gives an coins to another player.
    /coins give <player> <amount> - Gives an coins to another player.
    /penelty <player> <type> [time] - Gives the penelty to player.
    /gmg set <gamename> <flag> <value> - Set the flag on the Minigame.
    /friend - Main Command for Friends. Aliases: /f. You can add friend, requests, remove the friends with GUI.
    /shop edit - You can configure Shop Items, Class Upgrades, etc by GUI.
    /classes edit - You can add/edit/delete the classes. You can set the limit with Permissions, Coins with GUI.
    /report <player> [additional information] - Report the player with GUI.
    /viewreport - View the remaining reports with GUI.
    /report <accept/reject> <id>- Accept or Reject the report.
    /report blacklist <player> - Adds a player to Blacklist. Blacklisted player cannot report other players.
    /warn <player> <reason> [layout] - You can warn the user. Warning will be expired after 30 days. Note: Matchmaking Warning /penelty and Server Warning /warn is different! If the [time] was set to p, It will be Permanent. Useful when you want to use Layouts with Permanent Punishment.
    /mute <player> <reason> [time] [layout] - Temporarily/Permanently mutes a player. Muted player cannot use the chat. You can edit the command blacklist in config.
    /ban <player> <reason> [time] [layout] - Temporarily/Permanently bans a player. The banned player cannot join your server.
    /networkban <player> <reason> [layout] - Permanently bans a player from network. All accounts with same IP will be permanently banned.
    /alt check - Checks the alternative account for player. Note: It is not 100% Accurate.
    /punish <player> <reason> - You can manage user's punishment with GUI. You can configure the GUI on config file.
    /party - Main Command for Party. Aliases: /p. You can open the GUI with party, you can invite the player to party, Leave, Remove the player to party. Max players per party: 10 Players.
    /clan - Main Command for Clan. You can create, manage, make the fight, or request the player to alliance.
    /gmg teams add <color> <team name>
    /gmg teams list
    /gmg teams remove <team name>
    /class - Choose the class with GUI.

    Ideas for permissions:
    gmg.general - Shows an help page. Enabled by default.
    gmg.createmap - Creates an map with selected region on worldedit.
    gmg.listmap - Lists the maps.
    gmg.removemap - Removes an maps from server.
    gmg.reload - Reloads an configuration/maps file.
    gmg.start - Starts an round.
    gmg.stop - Stops an round.
    gmg.afkkick - Forcefully sends the afk players to lobby or spawn.
    gamemode.maps - views an map information. Enabled by default.
    gmg.addrot - Add an map to rotation.
    gmg.removerot - Removes an map to rotation.
    gmg.kickexempt - Bypasses afk spawn or lobby teleport.
    gmg.join - Ability to join a match. Enabled by default.
    gmg.leave- Ability to leave a match. Enabled by default.
    gmg.classes - Ability to open the Class GUI. enabled by default. - Ability to open the Shop GUI. enabled by default.
    gmg.penelty - You will not get the penelty when you left the game, etc.
    gmg.fpc - You can use /friend, /party, /clan. Enabled by default.
    gmg.manage.mod - You can punish the players, manage the punishments, remove the punishments.
    gmg.manage.admin - Same with gmg.mod, But you can issue Network ban if you have this permission. - You can manage the chat. Like Clearchat, Chatsilence. - You can use /report. Enabled by default. - You can manage the reports. That means, you can use all /report Management commands if you have this permission.
    gmg.teams - Can manage teams list.
    gmg.class - Can select the class with GUI. Enabled by default.

    When I'd like it by: Before.

    And sorry for my bad english, I'm from South Korea, My grammar is bad. So there will be grammar mistakes. Thank you for understanding.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2017
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