Guild/Clans Plugin for FFA (1.20.1)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by SpongeeeEU, Jul 23, 2024.

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    Plugin category: Chat

    Minecraft version: Spigot/Paper 1.20.x

    Suggested name: Guilds

    What I want: A simple guild plugin that lets players make a guild, and lets them invite others to join it

    The guilds dont need to do anything special like friendly fire or putting each other into teams or anything, its merely cosmetic

    The special requirement for this is that I want it to show the guild you're in on nametags, for example "&7(Guild)&r [luckperms prefix] [username]" whether this is done by placeholders or whatever is fine, If you want to make it so Guilds can be set a certain color, go ahead. (Make sure the surrounding "()" are still Gray.)

    It can support these plugins: TAB, LuckPerms, LuckPermsChat (Tab is for the Nametags and LuckPermsChat is the Chat formatter I use)

    Ideas for commands:
    /Guild create <guildname>
    /Guild invite <guildname>

    Ideas for permissions: None

    When I'd like it by: Whenever
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