GUI Vote shop

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by DreamCastNetwork, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. Suggested name: VoteshopGUI

    What I want: A voteshop used by a GUI, in the first GUI you can make different categories for rewards, for example BUILDING BLOCKS. When clicking on the item in the first GUI a second GUI pops up with the Items of the catergorie, for example a dirt block. This plugin needs to be compatible with votifier, to count the votes. 1 vote = 1 token and the tokens can be spend in the vote shop.

    Ideas for commands: /vote shop [Opens the GUI]

    Ideas for permissions: VoteshopGUI.reload permission to reload the plugin

    When I'd like it by: ASAP! before next week!

    This plugin doesn't exists yet, if you have any further questions add me on skype: Antoniemuijtjens
  2. This can be done using TokenShop
  3. I know but I just want one main shop and not multiple shops, although I dont know how that plugins works and how to setup shops.
  4. So create a command alias using VariableTriggers then

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