Plugin Request GUI Creator

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by CatzFuriousSpeed, Mar 27, 2015.

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  1. - GUICreatorGG

    Main concept:

    A double chest GUI with a Title that can be edited, also
    you can add the size of the GUI, you can add any item or
    block to be clicked on to run a command or take you to
    another GUI, you can also choose where it is placed,
    there is a feature of animations with items, if you want to
    change the way the items/blocks cycle in 1 of the GUI
    slots you can, when hovering over the items,blocks you
    can change the names of it.

    Additional information:

    You can enable a mode in which allows you to create

    animations around the Items/blocks for example a disco
    mode which would use stained glass panes around the
    whole GUI except of the already filled spots.
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    Well these days I am on a project called commandgui that allows you to create custom GUIs with custom items that when clicked will perform the commands you set it to :·)
    When it is ready I'll send it :- ) but I'm not sure how long it will take to make it :3
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  4. Okay thanks :)
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    @CatzFuriousSpeed not sure when I will have it finished though, my free time is limited D:
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