Suggested name: GroupsCoolDowns What I want: A plugin simple plugin that lets you set a cool down time and maybe warmup time for the /home /spawn /warp /tpa /tpahere/f home in essentials The cool down times can be configured for the groups in the permissions #time in seconds Exaple: Group: Player: Warp: Warmup-time : 5 CoolDown-time: 120 cost: 5 Player-Move: deny/allow ----- If player moves deny tp to warp - if player moves allow tp Player-Hurt: deny/allow ------ if player gets hurt deny tp - if player get hurt allow tp Moderators: Warp: Warmup-time : 0 CoolDown-time: 10 cost: 0 Player-Move: deny/allow ----- If player moves deny tp to warp - if player moves allow tp Player-Hurt: deny/allow ------ if player gets hurt deny tp - if player get hurt allow tp basic config So you can set a warp/home/spawn/tpa/tpahere/f home Ideas for commands: idk Ideas for permissions: idk When I'd like it by: today
Yeah i think a lot of people need this there are plugins that you can set warp cool down and cost but not for groups no devs on? >.< EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
It does but it doesn't support cool downs for groups like i requested .. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.