Well I have edited the Groups.yml file assuming i had done everything right, but i am using Notepad++ so when i was checking out the file again i was the red line at the side of my Player group meaning there is something wrong with it. Now i do know what so please would you guys at Bukkit help me Here Is Groups.yml Copyrighted By haws1290 © Code: groups: Player: default: true permissions: - essentials.help - essentials.motd - essentials.rules - essentials.spawn - ChestShop.shop.* - iConomy.access - iConomy.bank.main, iConomy.bank.main.view - iConomy.bank.join - iConomy.payment - train.command.properties - skillz.skills - skillz.check - skillz.skills.other - skillz.acrobatics - skillz.archery - skillz.digging - skillz.swords - skills.woodcutting - skillz.unarmed - skillz.axes - skillz.swimming - skillz.farming - skillz.mining - jobs.join.<jobname> inheritance: [] info: prefix: '&7|&fPlayer&7|' build: true suffix: '' Moderator: default: false permissions: - ChestShop.* - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.ext - essentials.getpos - essentials.helpop.recieve - essentials.home.others - essentials.invsee - essentials.jails - essentials.jump - essentials.kick - essentials.kick.notify - essentials.kill - essentials.mute - essentials.nick.others - essentials.realname - essentials.signs.create.* - essentials.signs.break.* - essentials.time - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.ptime - essentials.ptime.others - essentials.togglejail - essentials.top - essentials.tp - essentials.tphere - essentials.tppos - essentials.tptoggle - essentials.weather - essentials.whois - essentials.world - essentials.plugin - train.place.minecart - train.command.globalproperties - train.command.playerexit - train.build.station - train.build.spawner - train.build.trigger - train.build.tagswitcher - train.build.destructor - train.build.ejector - train.build.pushHandler - jobs.admin.employ - jobs.admin.fire - jobs.admin.transfer inheritance: - player info: prefix: '&a|&bModerator&a|' build: true suffix: '' Admin: default: false permissions: - jobs.admin.promote - jobs.admin.demote - -essentials.backup - -essentials.essentials - -essentials.plugin - essentials.* - alerter.all.op - iConomy.admin.grant - iConomy.admin.set - iConomy.admin.account.create - iConomy.admin.account.remove - iConomy.admin.stats - jobs.admin.grantxp - jobs.admin.removexp inheritance: - moderator info: prefix: '&1|&eAdmin&1|' build: true suffix: '' Owner: default: false permissions: - '*' inheritance: - admin info: prefix: '&6|&cOwner&6|' build: true suffix: '' Copyrighted By haws1290 ©
Code: - iConomy.bank.main, iConomy.bank.main.view needs to be Code: - iConomy.bank.main - iConomy.bank.main.view So no comma, just a new line. wat
Two nodes on one line? that needs fixing. Also the owner group, does not need to inherit permissions from admin, if your giving it wildcard permissions.
Thanks also now its sayin there is a problem in moderator Also there is this i test my YML on YML parser and i get this and i dunno what it means Output ERROR: while scanning for the next token found character '\t' that cannot start any token in "<unicode string>", line 11, column 24: - iConomy.bank.main ^ EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.