Problem/Bug Group Manager Error

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by UnknownWarrior, Aug 6, 2015.

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    I tried using a online YML parser on the config file and it worked fine but seems like group manager is failing to parse the YML file.

    1. Caused by: while scanning a simple key
    2. in "<reader>", line 28, column 5:
    3. inheritance:[]
    4. ^
    5. could not found expected ':'
    6. in "<reader>", line 29, column 5:
    7. - admin
    8. ^
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    That would be because the file he posted cant possibly be the file addressed, since line 28 isn't even remotely close to what it reports it is, nor is line 29. If there was a questionable with his posted groups file, it would be the space inside of the [ ] brackets for the first section shouldn't exist.

    Plus the error indicated here:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The following file couldn't pass on Parser.

    Caused by: while scanning a simple key
    in "<reader>", line 28, column 5:
    Is clearly because of the lack of space after the colin after inheritance
    All key: value pairs need a space after the colin and that error shows there is none.
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    Thanks @bwfcwalshy everything seems to be working properly now.
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