Hi, I was making a redstone contraption that needed a fencepost but it needed to have gravity. So I was wondering if it would be possible to make a plugin where you type a command, and then left click a block, and then that blocks becomes gravitational! Like for example, if I needed that fencepost, I would type the command, left (or right) click the fencepost, and then when the block under the fencepost went down, so did the fencepost It would be super awesome if you could make this thanks and tell me if you can. Bye! Bump
I don't have the time to make this but it is indeed possible If anyone is interested in developing, check out FallingBlock and World.spawnFallingBlock()
Impossible. You could make a plugin that makes it automatically teleport to the lowest block possible, but it's impossible to make it work like sand or gravel. Sorry.
Or you just tell the server the flying block is sand or gravel... You can make flying stone, water, lava, or whatever you want.
brenhein yeah, this is possible. I did some stuff with FallingBlocks (they are fun to play with, falling bedrock ), and they act exactly like sand or gravel. You can even make them fly sideways.
Agreed, it is possible to spawn falling block entity as any block, but you guys haven't really thought of the request. He obviously wants the blocks to hold their properties, and the falling block entities are clipped through by the player (meaning the fence would no longer "fence"). So this plugin would only work if you "move" the block by changing the one below it and replacing the block to air. Edit: This may work if you changed the blocks to falling block entities when a piston has fired under it. Then it would fall and when the piston pushes it it would push up normally. But this would not work if it was always a falling block entity.
Someone called? In all seriousness, this is your 3rd time in a row bumping and your 7th time bumping overall. This is a warning. If nobody knows what you're asking for or wants to make it, that's the deal. Bumping won't do anything, so please stop. If this thread doesn't get any more responses, let it be. Do not bump again or I'll be forced to lock the thread.