
Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by dlange, Nov 26, 2015.

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    Is it possible to use 3D or 2D graph formulas to get points?

    Example: x*x + y*y = r*r (circle) (and the 3D graph version)

    I can rearrange that in terms of x, y, or r (+ z for 3D graphs), but how could that be implemented, and get all the points on the graph, i want to use this make creating particles and such easier, and you can just spawn them at a Location + the point.
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    for a circle, you want
    x = Math.cos(angle) * r;
    y = Math.sin(angle) * r;

    angle is the degrees in radians.

    You need to increase the angle, and spawn a particle at every x and y value you get,
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    @mcdorli Ahhh ok, thanks ill take a look
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