Goodbye, Bukkit When I first joined the Minecraft community three years ago, I never thought I would end up in the position I am now. I started playing Minecraft around December 2010, and ventured into running my own server shortly after. The only reason I initially joined the Bukkit Forums was because back in those times, we didn't have BukkitDev -- I only registered so I could view attachments (screenshots) of plugins. In January 2013, to my surprise, I was brought onto the BukkitDev staff team. I was part of a large group brought on, as the staff team expanded from around 15 people to 28. I am still extremely thankful for the opportunity -- it has changed my life. Most people underestimated the amount of work that was put into BukkitDev, but we were all extremely thankful when people thanked us for the work we did, either in private or in the feedback forums. Many staff would dedicate a part of their day, ranging from one to five hours, every single day, to reviewing projects and files. Yes, we read every single line of code submitted, and yes, plugins like WorldEdit would require bathroom breaks. Unfortunately, most of the work done on BukkitDev is done behind the scenes -- people usually only noticed us when things weren't going well. A private message is sent by my account each time I review a project -- however, no PM is sent when a file is reviewed (and files are a large portion of the work on BukkitDev). Despite that, I have sent and received nearly 10,000 private messages in the past two years. Literally, no joke, I have over 400 pages of private messages. Many other people have a similar story. BukkitDev would not be as great as it has been if it weren't for the 75 other volunteers that have helped with it over the past two years -- everyone has put in a great amount of work, and a huge thanks goes to all of them. I was extremely fortunate to be able to work closely with many members of the Bukkit team, in some cases even outside of BukkitDev. One of the many secrets of BukkitDev was that we recently formed smaller "teams" within the entire BukkitDev team (which at the time had around 35 members), which allowed us to work even closer together in an effort of improving approval times. I was one of the few people who were picked to lead one of those teams, which was a great opportunity and experience, and I am extremely thankful for that. Around a year ago, for a few weeks, I lurked in a voice chat server with many of the team members, of which most don't even remember because I didn't talk much. However, this experience completely changed my view on the project and the people associated with it. Despite only being there for a few weeks, I was given an amazing insight as to how the project is run, and got to met the people who I believe go the most unthanked for their work on Bukkit. During the development of Bukkit for Minecraft 1.7, I was given the opportunity to help test it prior to the release of the first development build, which was a great experience by itself. The work I have put in, the work I have seen others put in, the people I have met, and the experiences I have had over the past two years have made the recent announcements hit much closer to home. Because of this, I fully stand by the recent actions taken by EvilSeph and the rest of the Bukkit team. I am resigning from my position as BukkitDev staff as of today. I am unable to continue working on BukkitDev with the knowledge that I have been volunteering for what I thought was a free, open source project -- only to find out that it was secretly purchased and I may have been working for a multi-million dollar company, for free, for the past two years, benefiting the sales of their own game. While more targeted towards the Bukkit developers, /u/VideoGameAttorney sums it up nicely in the fourth paragraph here. The past two years have been amazing, and I can't thank everyone enough for them. chaseoes
Thanks for all the hard work put into such an amazing project, Most servers wouldn't exist without Bukkit as the backbone, If you need a change in direction, check out "Sponge" its a server implementation in-case all hits the fan. Also, will you be continuing to develop your plugins? Im a fan of a few
Thank you for all you have done with the BukkitDev team. The whole community would never be as strong, and willing to lend a helping hand without the examples set by you and your colleagues. As a Bukkit Server owner, I am deeply saddened to hear of all of these resignations, but I want to wish you all the best on your future endeavors. Thank you for all you've done, jrborman13