Good 1.2.5 economy plugin?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MikeA, Nov 17, 2012.

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    Anyone have a recommendation for a good economy plugin for 1.2.5 versions of bukkit? Since iConomy is inactive now, it's basically a no no for me.
  2. dude you own a 1.2.5 server????
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    iconomy went inactive during minecraft 1.2.5, so it should be good as new for your version anyway.
    if not, essentialseco or boseeconomy.
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    It's Tekkit, though, I am not seeking Tekkit help. It's 1.2.5, which is 1.2.5 Craftbukkit.

    Regardless, I'm going to use iConomy since it wasn't inactive back then, didn't think about that!
  5. use essentials economy
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