Getting World by name?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jayjay110, May 25, 2011.

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    is it possible to get all the worlds available in the game for a certain task, I want to get all the living entities (i think) in the server, and check something against them, anyway to do this?
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    getWorlds() in the Server class will return a list of all the worlds on the server. I think maybe I misunderstood your question though, because I would assume you have already tried that :confused:
  3. Code:
                for(World w:getServer().getWorlds()){
                    for( Entity e:w.getEntities()){
                        //do stuff here                    }
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    Server class has a method World getWorld(String name)
    So you'd basically do getServer().getWorld("superduperworld");
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    Disregard this post...
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    I did this, works well, but I already figured it out b4 u posted it Lol :p thanks lol
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