Getting the Project ID

Discussion in 'BukkitDev Information and Feedback' started by Skyost, Dec 30, 2013.

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    It is not a problem but more a feedback.
    When you create a new project and when it has no files, you connot obtain your project ID so you cannot implement the Gravity's Updater.
    You must wait to have at least one file approved to implement it, so the first users does not have access to the Updater :(

    Sorry for my (very) bad english, I am french :/

    Have a nice day ;)
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    For now, if you create a report a staff member can provide you with the ID.
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    chaseoes I know but I think it would be better if I can do this by myself without disturbing all staff members ;)
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    You can use a rather simple workaround:
    Skyost and fromgate like this.
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    If I had known this earlier...
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