getting rid of kits

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by undefinedarray, Jan 23, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    i have people abusing the /kit command, they keep spawning diamond tools and its not really a survival without challenge, i kept looking in folders and couldnt find the file for it, anyone know how to get rid of it?

  2. Offline


    Could you tell us what plugins you've installed?
  3. Sounds like General Essentials. I'm not sure if any others have /kit?
  4. Offline


    well i have, essentials, LWC, MYwarp,simplyhome,worldedit,world guard
  5. Offline


    Go to the config for the essentials and look at the very bottom, remove the lines that have the kits. Or just above that section don't allow the kits to anyone under an op.
  6. Offline


    thanks it worked :)
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