Getting player location and saving

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by hi_guy_5, Aug 24, 2014.

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    hi i've never made a plugin that really needed to store information for a long period of time, but im trying to make a command that will save the players current location and be able to use that location later.

    should i have the plugin write the cords to a config? I guess i'm just trying to ask what is the best way to do this
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    Yes, you should write the player's coordinates to a configuration file or you could use a hashmap but the hashmap will be cleared if the server is reloaded.

    Config method;
    1. // Save to config
    2. plugin.getConfig.set(player.getUniqueId().toString() + ".lastLocation.x", player.getLocation.getX());
    3. plugin.getConfig.set(player.getUniqueId().toString() + ".lastLocation.y", player.getLocation.getY());
    4. plugin.getConfig.set(player.getUniqueId().toString() + ".lastLocation.z", player.getLocation.getZ());
    5. plugin.getConfig.set(player.getUniqueId().toString() + "", player.getLocation.getWorld().getName());
    6. plugin.saveConfig();
    8. // Query from config
    9. Location location = new Location(
    10. Bukkit.getWorld(player.getUniqueId().toString() + ""),
    11. plugin.getConfig().getDouble(player.getUniqueId().toString() + ".lastLocation.y", player.getLocation.getY()),
    12. plugin.getConfig().getDouble(player.getUniqueId().toString() + ".lastLocation.z", player.getLocation.getZ()),
    13. plugin.getConfig().getDouble(player.getUniqueId().toString() + ".lastLocation.z", player.getLocation.getZ())
    14. );

    Hashmap method;
    1. private HashMap<Player, Location> playerLocations = new HashMap<Player, Location>();
    3. // Add the player's location
    4. playerLocations.put(player, player.getLocation());
    6. // Get the player's location
    7. playerLocations.get(player) // This will return the player's location
  3. Offline


    Write to a file ( or config) and load it up when you need it :)
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    I've had to do this in a lot of plugins, I usually just make two methods that are static and I just copy/paste them into each new project.
    public static String locToString(Location loc){
            return loc.getWorld().getName() + "!" + loc.getX() + "!" + loc.getY() + "!" + loc.getZ() + "!" + loc.getYaw() + "!" + loc.getPitch();
        public static Location stringToLoc(String str){
            return new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(str.split("!")[0]), Double.parseDouble(str.split("!")[1]), Double.parseDouble(str.split("!")[2]), Double.parseDouble(str.split("!")[3]), Float.parseFloat(str.split("!")[4]), Float.parseFloat(str.split("!")[5]));
    That will allow you to easily parse a precise location into a string and back into a location. Just use getConfig().set("something", locToString(location)); and stringToLoc(getConfig().get("something"));
  5. Offline


    thanks for all the help guys
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