Solved Getting Enchantment List

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by mrCookieSlime, Nov 23, 2013.

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    Hey, I just wanna know how to get all Enchantment Types for an Item.

    For Example:
    I have a Sword and wanna know which Enchantments this Item may have.
    In this Case:
    Fire Aspect, Knockback, Sharpness,...

    So is there any way to get a List of Enchantments which only work for a certain Type of Material?
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    Loop through Enchantment.values(), and for each use enchantment.canEnchantItem(itemstack), and if this is true, add the name of it to a List/StringBuilder to send to the player!
    mrCookieSlime likes this.
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    Thanks :) This was exactly the Method I was looking for

    But also another Question:
    -Is there a .isEnchantable() Method

    If not, I can just check for the length of the List ^^
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    Neat Utility, but doesn't help in my case. Anyway found the Solution already.
    But well, it doesn't help me, cause I need something which contains all future Enchantments and Mod Enchantments as well, so Enchantment.values() is the Method I prefer.
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    mrCookieSlime ah ok, in that case this way of getting the applicable enchantments of an item is better than my class. It is not as efficient as the utility though, because you have to loop through all enchantments every time you want to check them.
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    That's fine for me. Anyway just gonna loop through it once. I'm basicly making a Mysterious Enchanter for my Plugin Slimefun and there you see all possible Enchantments for your Item and can choose what Enchantment and what Level you want... :) And I discovered that MCPC+ adds Mod's Enchantments to Enchantment.values(), so you can actually put Mod's Enchantments on your Items as well :D
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