Solved getStringList() and what should go there?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by dibujaron, Nov 8, 2012.

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    so i'm working on a plugin with a config. the config needs to store a value currentUsersList, which is a strings list. my question is this: how would one go about formatting that in yaml?

    In the config, I have tried:
    currentUsersList: "Notch","Jeb_"

    currentUsersList: ["Notch", "Jeb_"]

    I know it's one of those things that is really simple, but I can't figure it out. I looked all over the configuration API reference but no luck. someone help please? thank you!
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    A list of Strings in YAML:
      - first item
      - second item
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    ah! that's what it looks like. thanks!
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