getHighestBlockAt Computational Complexity

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by krisdestruction, Jul 4, 2014.

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    Anyone know what the World.getHighestBlockAt() function's computational complexity is? Is it a O(1) or O(n) operation (where n is the total number of blocks in the vertical)? I wanted to compare the performance of this function versus just using Chunk.getBlock() and scanning for the highest non-air block.
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    The bukkit method makes sure the chunk is loaded then goes into the NMS WorldServer object which retrieves the chunk if it is loaded (which is why bukkit loads it) and then goes into that chunk which contains a height map and just gets the value from there. So... yeah, the bukkit method is more efficient than just iterating through the blocks.
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    Thanks, so it is a O(1) operation after all. I'll keep that in mind!
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