getClickedBlock (Doesn't work) / Random Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by webbhead, Jan 10, 2015.

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    My issue is the getClickedBlock is not working. I made it so when you click the block that is in a certain location with a certain item it should send a message. (The message is a test I want it to get a Random int from the config (item id)). Now on to the random thing well... I wanted to know how I can randomly get the integer from the configuration file with adding enchantments to it such as:
    - 120 fireaspect:1
    - 99 infinity:1
    OR: How would I code the id and enchants straight into the plugin to get the same results but just not configurable, but still be able to use the random class to get it?

    Here is my code:
    public class Crates extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
        public void onInteractCrate(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
            ItemStack key = new ItemStack(Material.TRIPWIRE_HOOK);
            ItemMeta keymeta = key.getItemMeta();
            keymeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "Key");
            Player player = (Player) e.getPlayer();
            ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
            if (e.getClickedBlock().equals(Material.CHEST) && hand.getType().equals(Material.TRIPWIRE_HOOK) && hand.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "Key")) {
                if (e.getClickedBlock().getLocation().equals(getConfig().getConfigurationSection("crateloc"))) {
                    // Get Random Item WITH enchant from config or code them right in how would I do this?
                    player.sendMessage("This is a test to see if block clicking works.");
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    Still doesn't work the message won't send it just opens the chest and nothing happens.
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    Registering events in onEnable?
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    Updated Code:
    public class Crates extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
        public void onInteractCrate(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
            ItemStack key = new ItemStack(Material.TRIPWIRE_HOOK);
            ItemMeta keymeta = key.getItemMeta();
            keymeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "Key");
            Player player = (Player) e.getPlayer();
            ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
            if (e.getClickedBlock() != null && hand != null) {
            if (e.getClickedBlock().equals(Material.CHEST) && hand.getType().equals(Material.TRIPWIRE_HOOK) && hand.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "Key")) {
                if (e.getClickedBlock().getLocation().equals(getConfig().getConfigurationSection("crateloc"))) {
                    // Get Random Item WITH enchant from config or code them right in how would I do this?
                    player.sendMessage("This is a test to see if block clicking works.");
        public void onEnable() {
            Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, this);
    Yes I registered them.
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    .....a ConfigurationSection cannot and will never equal a Location. Try again.
    1Rogue likes this.
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    Locations are not ConfigurationSerializable. You would need to either make a ConfigurationSerializable version for yourself, or you would need to save the vector and then convert it to a location using Vector#toLocation(World)
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    @webbhead I think that one thing you should check for is what action was performed.
    Such as Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK
    then you can continue to do your e.getClickedBlock()
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    Blithely ignore the three posts above you telling you how to fix your code, and say "bump," what in the world do you expect us to help you with if you can't even be bother to read/respond to our posts?
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    This did not work.
    This also did not seem to work.
    I have tried them and the Serializable Location I did not understand so I tried this:
        World world = Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(getConfig().getString(""));
            double x = getConfig().getDouble("crateloc.x");
            double y = getConfig().getDouble("crateloc.y");
            double z = getConfig().getDouble("crateloc.z");
            Player player = (Player) e.getPlayer();
            ItemStack hand = player.getItemInHand();
            Action a = e.getAction();
            if (e.getClickedBlock() != null && hand != null) {
                if (a == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK) {
            if (e.getClickedBlock().equals(Material.CHEST) && hand.getType().equals(Material.TRIPWIRE_HOOK) && hand.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals(ChatColor.GREEN + "" + ChatColor.BOLD + "Key")) {
                if (e.getClickedBlock().getLocation().equals((new Location(world, x, y, z)))) {
                    // Get Random Item WITH enchant from config or code them right in how would I do this?
                    player.sendMessage("This is a test to see if block clicking works.");
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    @webbhead I can tell you that what I posted does in fact work, if you actually know how to use it.
  14. Offline


    Well did I do it correctly the code is right above your post.
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    @webbhead You have to check if they clicked a block before you can use getClickedBlock()
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