Get the player's name in ServerListPingEvent?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by adde, Aug 7, 2013.

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    I am in really need of getting the player's name from ServerListPingEvent.
    Already tried: ((Player) event).getPlayer().getName(); but I can't cast Player to this event..

    Anything? Tried getting it from the host and such, look thru every code that seems possible to have it, also looked in bukkit docs..

    Or if there is any event that allows you to set the motd except for this event..

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    adde No, there is only the IP of the person who pinged. You *can* log each IP of a user and get an idea of who might of pinged the server.
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    Yeah, I have that already in "my" plugin 'PersonalMOTD'. Some guy requested that they should be able to set the motd before a player joins the server, I can let them do that but without replacing %name% with the player's name..

    Well, thank you.
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    PersonalMOTD is great, but if you wanted to make your own version here is how.

    First create the Map where we will be storing the data:
    ( This isn't the best type of storage, but it will do. )
    public Map<String, String> playerData = new HashMap<String, String>();
    Since you cannot get the player's name onServerListPing, but you can get the IP we want to start collecting IPs that correspond with players:
    public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent event) {
        Player player = event.getPlayer();
        String playerIP = player.getAddress().getAddress().toString();
        playerIP = playerIP.replaceAll("/", "");
        playerIP = playerIP.replaceAll("\\.", "-");
        if (!(playerData.containsKey(playerIP))) {
            playerData.put(playerIP, player.getName());
    Now we want to check for the corresponding player for the IP:
    public void ServerListPing(ServerListPingEvent event) {
        String playerIP = event.getAddress().toString();
        playerIP = playerIP.replaceAll("/", "");
        playerIP = playerIP.replaceAll("\\.", "-");
        if (playerData.containsKey(playerIP)) {
            event.setMotd("Come play, " + playerData.get(playerIP) + "!");
        } else {
            event.setMotd("Come play!");
    Done without an IDE, so please excuse any errors...
    thenicolasduff likes this.
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    Didn't you read what I said? I am the current manager of PersonalMOTD, I am updating it.
    I know how to use it, but I understand that I can't use the player's name before they join the first.
    KDavid753 likes this.
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    This isn't possible without tracking IP addresses; mainly because when the client pings the server, the client does not send the username along with it (It would be pointless most of the time.)
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    After hours of research, I find this, just what I need!
    Thanks Dude!
    P.S. Syntax is spot on, nice!
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    adde Nice script bro !! :)
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