Get location of a chest?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by isleepzzz, Jan 25, 2015.

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    Hey guys!
    So, I have this so far:
    public void onInventoryOpenEvent(InventoryOpenEvent e){

    if (e.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof Chest){



    So, I cannot figure out how to get the location of the chest that is trying to get opened?
    Can anyone help me please :/
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    I wish it was that simple.
    But Chest.getLocation() is not working at all.
    I actually see no methods whenever I just type Chest. anything.
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    @isleepzzz getLocation() is not static. Notice how Chest extends BlockState as @teej107 has mentioned.
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    I know man.. I'm just not this skilled yet, or I'm just not seeing it :/
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    Lmfao I like your persistence of just not spoon feeding me :p
    I think I got it!:D
    I'm doing tests on it right now:)

    Alright man! I got it all working, however for some odd reason it is not taking my "Vote Key" which is just a tripwire hook :(
    Do you see anything wrong?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
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    @isleepzzz One (or more) of your if statements is false. Put in debug code.
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    I fixed it. I was calling getInventory from the chest and not the player.
    Thank you though! :)
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