Plugin category: Mechanics Suggested name: Generic Skies What I want: I would like someone to make a plugin that lets you set a region and above that it shows sky. For example if you have a small structure with an open roof so you want to see the sky but there is a tall structure next to the small structure ruining the view. i would like someone to make a plugin that fixes this like so the tall building dosnt show it was there from inside the small structure Ideas for commands: /showsky <region name> that is after you pick a region Ideas for permissions: showsky.use When I'd like it by: whenever
This isn't possible. You can't make structures invisible by where you're standing in the map. That's handled by rendering.
My train of thought is do the same thing anti xray plugins do send fake messages to the server to get a new image
Possible. A similar plugin would be Orebusfuctor or however you spell it. Nice idea anyone wanna work with this?
So you want it to be where some roofs are invisible in certain places but they are actually still there? 1. This plugin makes no sense. 2. Why would you ever want this?
1. It actually does, based on point 2 2. Big buildings can block you view, people don't like it in real life, people don't like it here. In real life we can't do anything about it, but in minecraft... That is a different story. Btw: Not just the roofs invisible, entire buildings above a certain level to keep a nice view
you would select the region in world edit to determine where the server will send false message of skies to the clients of players