Generating A Hollow Cube With 2 Points.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by killjoy64, Apr 23, 2012.

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    Hello, i'm making a plugin that needs to generate an empty hollow cube when someone types /zi define <Arena Name>. I have no problem with the command, just making the hollow cube. I've taken the Block Manipulator from the Huge Bukkit Pluign Tutorial and modified it a bit. But could I have some help making one with 2 points? Like how you can make one with //outline in World Edit. I got it to work with 1 point, here is what I have so far:

        public void generateEmpty(Player player, int length){
            World world = player.getWorld();
            int x_start = infection.poz1.get(player).getBlockX();
            int y_start = infection.poz1.get(player).getBlockY();
            int z_start = infection.poz1.get(player).getBlockZ();
            int x_length = x_start + length;
            int y_length = y_start + length;
            int z_length = z_start + length;
            for(int x_operate = 0; x_operate <= x_length; x_operate++){
                Block blockToChangeX1 = world.getBlockAt(x_operate, y_start, z_start);
                Block blockToChangex2 = world.getBlockAt(x_operate, y_start, z_length);
                for(int z_operate = 0; z_operate <= z_length; z_operate++){
                        Block blockToChangeZ1 = world.getBlockAt(x_start, y_start, z_operate);
                        Block blockToChangeZ2 = world.getBlockAt(x_length, y_start, z_operate);
                        for(int y_operate = 0; y_operate <= y_length; y_operate++){
                            Block blockToChangeY1 = world.getBlockAt(x_start, y_operate, z_operate);
                            Block blockToChangeY2 = world.getBlockAt(x_operate, y_operate, z_start);
                            Block blockToChangeY3 = world.getBlockAt(x_length, y_operate, z_operate);
                            Block blockToChangeY4 = world.getBlockAt(x_operate, y_operate, z_length);
                            Block blockToChangeY5 = world.getBlockAt(x_operate, y_start, z_operate);
                            Block blockToChangeY6 = world.getBlockAt(x_operate, y_length, z_operate);
            player.sendMessage("x length was " + x_length);
            player.sendMessage("y length was " + y_length);
            player.sendMessage("z length was " + z_length);
    Any help is appreciated thanks! :D
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