[GEN/SEC/ECON/TP/ADMN] Essentials - A collection of useful commands

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by EssentialsTeam, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. Offline


    01:36:08 [SEVERE] Error occurred (in the plugin loader) while enabling Essentials v2.3.3 (Is it up to date?): null[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]java.util.ConcurrentModificationException[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator.nextEntry(Unknown Source)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at java.util.TreeMap$KeyIterator.next(Unknown Source)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:308)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:806)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:253)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:140)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:118)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:232)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:219)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:146)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:283)[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=rgb(20, 20, 20)][FONT=Georgia]        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)

    I keep getting this error. even on v2.3.1[/CODE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. Offline


    can u make externnal lanuages files?
    in germ the server says wehn somebody join:
    Spieler Playername kommst aus germany but correct its
    Spieler Playername kommt aus germany
  3. Offline


    Is there a way to disable for a group that they can be kicked, banned, /killed, etc?
    Just need to know as I'd need that for my server.
  4. hey guys im looking for plugin for goupmanager, which would give permissions to players, but only for a certain amount of time. For example /manuadd <nick> <group> <time>
  5. Offline


    Hello! Im a big fan of this plugin, but how can i do that so I'M the only one that can use this command??? I mean.. Everyone on my server can use the Essentials commands... :/ Help????
  6. Offline


  7. Offline


    I am having this same error with 2.3.3 and CB 860. That makes 3 of us. Any speculations as to the cause?
  8. Offline


    just want to note - wikki link appears to no longer work.
  9. Offline


    same for me i wonder why
  10. Offline


    It appears to be possible to raid [Protection]'d double chests, iff they only have one chest block with an adjacent protection sign.

    Example (crappy) ASCII image:

    - - S -
    - c c -
    - X - -

    -: Air/Wall
    c: Chest
    S: Owner's Protection Sign

    Put your sign where the X is. I'm not sure whether it's necessary, but so far I've only seen this used by putting the other sign owner's name on the third line.

    Not sure about the Essentials version being run (and so, might be outdated); Bukkit version is RB 860.
  11. Offline


    Wiki not working :(
  12. Offline


    yea .. offline little bit :D
  13. Offline


    12:57:24 [SEVERE] Error occurred (in the plugin loader) while enabling Essentials v2.3.3 (Is it up to date?): null
    at java.util.TreeMap$PrivateEntryIterator.nextEntry(TreeMap.java:1117)
    at java.util.TreeMap$KeyIterator.next(TreeMap.java:1171)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:308)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:806)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:253)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:140)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:118)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:232)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:219)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:146)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:283)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)

    I have 1.6.6
  14. Offline


    your wiki is down?
  15. Offline


    Same error. Worked fine on windows, soon as I ported to linux it was a no-go.
  16. Offline


    I have the same error as they do. Worked fine on 816 I believe, doesn't like me on 860. I'm on a Mac if that makes a difference.
  17. Offline


    First , Essentials is a awesome plugin ;) !
    I do not have problems with essentails but i would like some information on a permission node for the command /manuadd name group , i give this command to some groups but there is a problem because they can change everybody in all the groups like admins and modos and they can be admin when they want.So is there a permissions node for this command who allows only to change on specifical groups.
    P.S:Sorry for my english , I am french :p
  18. Offline


    When I start my server with this... I can't break anything nothing. I has no spawn protection on :mad:
  19. Offline


  20. Offline


    Need help when i log in i get a message saying something in a different language and when i use any on essentials commands it comes up in another language like french i think any ideas how to fix it?
    when i start the server i get this:
    2011-06-16 20:45:14 [INFO] Chargé Essentials version 2.3.3 par Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    2011-06-16 20:45:14 [INFO] Chargé EssentialsSpawn version 2.3.3 par Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology

    its like the plugin language has changed any ideas?

    Update Nvm i fixed it
  21. Offline


    what is permission node for letting them spawn items, but not the ones on blacklist
  22. Offline


    Is there any way to have it where if time is under disabled commands, i.e.:
    It allows for the use of the native time command? I prefer using /time set and /time add as it allows for more functionality.
  23. Offline


    so anyone know whay teleport-cooldown and teleport-delay doesn't work and has never worked for that matter?
  24. Offline


    Essentials, fix your links.

    Your links havent been working for awhile.

  25. Offline


    148 recipes
    16 achievements
    18:04:48 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version Beta 1.6.6
    18:04:48 [INFO] Loading properties
    18:04:48 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on ************
    18:04:48 [WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Be
    18:04:48 [WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet a
    ccess, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username the
    y choose.
    18:04:48 [WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.set
    tings file.
    18:04:48 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-766-
    g3fc0460-b818jnks (MC: 1.6.6)
    18:04:48 [INFO] Preparing level "worldart"
    18:04:48 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
    18:04:50 [INFO] Loaded Essentials build 2.3.1 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, Brett
    flan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    18:04:50 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsChat build 2.3.1 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux, B
    rettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    18:04:50 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsGeoIP build 2.3.1 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux,
    Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    18:04:50 [INFO] This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available
    from http://www.maxmind.com/.
    18:04:50 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling GroupManager v1.0(alpha-5) (Is i
    t up to date?): null
    at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.WorldDataHolder.load(WorldDataH
    at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder.loadWorld(W
    at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder.initialWorl
    at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder.initialLoad
    at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.dataholder.worlds.WorldsHolder.<init>(Worl
    at org.anjocaido.groupmanager.GroupManager.onEnable(GroupManager.java:73
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:125)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:134)
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(CraftServer.java:112)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(MinecraftServer.java:232)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:219)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:146)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:285)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    18:04:50 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsProtect build 2.3.1 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux
    , Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    18:04:50 [INFO] Loaded EssentialsSpawn build 2.3.1 by Zenexer, ementalo, Aelux,
    Brettflan, KimKandor, snowleo, ceulemans and Xeology
    18:04:50 [INFO] [GiveTo] v0.4 enabled (loaded items: 225)
    18:04:50 [INFO] PistonPlugin 1.4 enabled.
    18:04:50 [INFO] Fake Permissions version 2.7.2 is enabled!
    18:04:50 [INFO] [LazyRoad] : Version 0.2 is enabled!
    18:04:50 [INFO] [NearestSpawn] Successfully linked with Permissions.
    18:04:50 [INFO] Done (0,168s)! For help, type "help" or "?"

    Help please other plugins dont work... And some another problems...
  26. Offline


    i have set up
    # Disabled commands will be completelly unavailable on the server.
    # - nick
     - dungeon
     - skylands
    but they can use the commands dugeon and skylands
    or must i write
    # Disabled commands will be completelly unavailable on the server.
     # - nick
      - /dungeon
      - /skylands
  27. Offline


    why whenever i use the command spawner it dont work its says error and something pls help
  28. Offline


    Do not remove GroupManager!!
  29. Offline


    Please help me. I use the GroupManager plugin. I have three groups: default, moderator, and admin. All of them have permission to build. Yet, when I log in as admin I can't place or destroy anything! This is really annoying, so thanks in advance for anyone who can help.
  30. Offline


    Hi is there a way to give people that donate use /home and they only can use it every 30 sec and like normal people /home every 1 min?

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