Inactive [GEN/SEC] Advanced Bans v0.4: Temporary bans [812]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by kyku, May 11, 2011.

  1. Offline


    [tnt] Advanced Bans - more control [tnt]
    Version: 0.4

    More advanced control ban. Allows temporary bans, bans once the nickname and IP and ban reasons.

    • Ban player
    • Unban player
    • Temporary bans (in minutes)
    • Reasons for the ban
    • Left time for unban in kick reason
    • "Welcome back" message (after unban)
    • Ban both nickname and IP (good for offline servers)
    • Permissions or OP
    • Console support
    • Configuration!
    • Lightweight
    • IP History (ban offline player on ip) (only MySQL Support for now) New

    • /bann <nick> [time in minutes] [reason...] - ban player (if player is offline, plugin will use ip history) (example: /bann kyku 15 Spam)
    • /unbann <nick> - unban player (example: /unbann kyku)
    • /bannip <ip address> [time in minutes] [reason...] - ban player on ip AND NAME (it use ip history) (example: /bannip 60 Spam)
    • /unbannip <ip address> - unbanip player (example: /unbann
    • /kickk <nick> [reason] - kick player (example: /kickk kyku spam)
    * /bann or /ban depending on the choice


    Advanced Bans:
            Unban broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; unban &TNAME;.'
                broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; kicked &TNAME;. Reason:&REASON;.'
                kickmsg: '&RED;You have been kicked! Reason:&REASON;.'
                t+r-broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; has banned &TNAME; for &TIME;min.
                perm-kickmsg: '&RED;You have been banned from this server.'
                only time-broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; has banned &TNAME; for &TIME;min.'
                only time-kickmsg: '&RED;Banned for &TIME; min.'
                t+r-kickmsg: '&RED;Banned for &TIME;min. Reason:&REASON;.'
                perm-broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; has banned &TNAME;.'
                Banned reason-left: '&RED;Banned! Reason:&REASON; (Left: &LEFT;min.)'
                Welcome msg: '&GREEN;You have been unbanned. Welcome back!'
                Banned IP: '&RED;Your IP has been banned.&WHITE; Do not change nickname!'
                Banned reason: '&RED;You have been banned from this server. Reason:&REASON;.'
            Standard reason: ' None'
                No access: '&RED;You don''t have permissions'
                Player is offline: '&RED;This player is offline'
            Use: false
            User: username
            Port: 3306
            Host: localhost
            Database: minecraft
            Password: password
            table: ab_list
            table history: ab_history
            Ban nickname + IP: true
            Welcome message: true
            Broadcast kick msg: true
            Broadcast ban msg: true
            Use IP history: true
            Broadcast unban msg: true
    Permissions - advbans.<command>

    • advbans.bann - allow use /bann <nick> [time] [reason]
    • advbans.bannip - allow use /bannip <IP ADDRESS> [time] [reason]
    • advbans.unbannip -allow use /unbannip <IP ADDRESS>
    • advbans.unbann - allow use /unbann <nick>
    • advbans.kickk - allow use /kickk <nick> [reason]
    or (if you use an alternative plugin)
    • advbans.ban - allow use /bann <nick> [time] [reason]
    • advbans.banip - allow use /bannip <IP ADDRESS> [time] [reason]
    • advbans.unbanip -allow use /unbannip <IP ADDRESS>
    • advbans.unban - allow use /unbann <nick>
    • advbans.kick - allow use /kickk <nick> [reason]

    • ban offline player
    • banip / unbanip
    • configuration
    • logs
    • web panel + banlist
    • MySQL
    • command kick

    Show Spoiler




    MySQL Connector (Put in base folder, where craftbukkit)
    Advanced Bans v0.4 (CB: 766-798) - New (Commands: /bann, /bannip, /kickk, /unbann, unbannip)
    Advanced Bans v0.4 (2) (CB: 766-798) - New (Commands: /ban, /banip, /kick, /unban, unbanip)

    Advanced Bans v0.3 (CB: 766)

    Source code in jar (v0.4+)..


    Version 0.4:
    • MySQL
    • IP History (Only MySQL support!)
    • New commands: /bannip, /unbannip (Only MySQL support!)
    • Fixed some bugs
    Version 0.3:

    • Configuration!
    • Ban offline players work
    • Kick command
    • Logs
    • Fixed some bugs
    Version 0.2-beta:

    • Fixed some bugs
    Version 0.1-beta:

    • Initial release
  2. Offline


    POLSKA KURWA!!!!!!
    To zrób update :D
  3. Offline


    Update this please, it's much better then other plugins ;)

    If you don't want yourself, I got some basic plugin experience (java)
  4. Offline


    Plugin don't unban IP after ban time
  5. Offline


    Please! UPDATE THIS! This is the best plugin for banning and kicking. If the author won't update it, will someone continue off this plugin? This is essential to my server, but the plugin fails to ban people correctly overtime (it won't IP ban people because the database is confused. It has a bunch of junk information(old bans), even though it should be deleted).
  6. Offline


    Man, SAD to see such a GREAT plugin die like this :(
  7. Offline



    I added the permissions in and when i type /help it does not show commands how do i fix this?
  8. Offline



    I recently made a server with this plugin, GroupManager and many others, but when I start up the server it gives me this error:
    16:24:15 [INFO] AdvancedBans version 0.4 is enabled without permissions!
    How do I link it up with GroupManager?

    Edit: Never mind, I wasn't using GroupBridge
  9. Offline


    Best bans plugin is dead..
  10. Offline


    So This requires a MySQL? BTW your Downlinks are broken :(
  11. Offline



    I see your activity, you're still among us.. please give us a hint about AdvancedBans future.
  12. Offline


    For those wanting this plugin, I have a mirror of the current version here:
    This still appears to work in 1.0.1 bukkit. However I haven't tried setting up a new server with it.

    I have build a new version which I use in my own server. Of this version I claim none of the code, All I did was change the url the plugin downloads it's dependency from and recompile for bukkit 1.0.1-R2.

    It should work for any server, new or upgrade.
    spunkiie and Freok like this.
  13. Offline


    Somehow it just says "Unkown command". Whas wrong? I'm using 1.0.1-R1 and tried both versions of @Gamerlv
  14. Offline


    I only have the version which has no extra n in the commands. This is the one I used, and updated.
    The commands for the plugin are thus: ban, banip, unban, unbanip.
    If there is demand, I probably find and replace the commands and add the extra n.
  15. Offline


    Download link is broken
  16. Offline



    Please, update this, or at least fix the download links. This is really one of the best plugins out there for banning.
  17. Offline


    Its only me or this doesnt work with PEX?
  18. Offline


    Outdated, sorry i don't have time, but sources are included

    Is written down the post !
    Damn.... ​
  19. Offline


    404 not Found
  20. Offline


    Seems to work great with bukkit 1.1-R4. Thank you a lot for this plugin tokyku and Gamerlv : it is the only ban plugin with MySQL support, short commands and ban ip :)
  21. Offline


    Well.. neither the official nor GamerLv version do work with recent bukkit R5/R6

    Guess we are fucked.
  22. Offline


    After quite a bit of learning, trial and error. I present to you the bukkit 1.2.3 R0.1 beta compatible version.

    Important changes
    • New config format
    • Now falls back to file based bans if Mysql doesn't work
    • 1.2.3 support
    If anyone uses the file based ban then you can just drop this in and run. I've made sure this bit is compatible.

    The main configuration just has a few small changes but these small changes are enough for your old configuration to stop working.
    Upon start the server with this version the new parts will be added to the top of the config.yml. Below that will be your old settings. You can copy past the old values to the new, nothing about that has changed.
    After this you can remove the entire Advanced Bans: section from your config.yml file.

    This version's config.yml contains DUTCH language strings.
    I have lost all my original configs and don't really want to translate them back again.
    Copy the old texts in the config, If someone posts them in this thread I will update the jar.

    I'll shut up now, here's the link.

    Download ( old, use version below )
    Just as with the original is the source is in the jar

    As always any bugs, comment, questions or ideas post in this thread.

    Full Changelog
  23. Offline


    I have just tried out this new version, and when a player logs in, I get this error:

    11:04:42 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PlayerLoginEvent to AdvancedBans
            at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.attemptLogin(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at pl.kyku.AdvancedBansPluginPlayerListener.onPlayerLogin(
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            ... 9 more
    Am I doing something horribly wrong here? Or is it just an error with the plugin?

    EDIT: For anybody wanting them, I have the new config with the original strings here:
      Standard-reason: ' None'
      Unban-message: '&BLACK;[AdvBans]&GREEN; Player &TNAME; has been unbanned by &ANAME;'
        broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; kicked &TNAME;. Reason:&REASON;.'
        kickmsg: '&RED;You have been kicked! Reason:&REASON;.'
        t-and-r-broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; has banned &TNAME; for &TIME;min. Reason:&REASON;.'
        perm-kickmsg: '&RED;You have been banned from this server.'
        only-time-broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; has banned &TNAME; for &TIME;min.'
        only-time-kickmsg: '&RED;Banned for &TIME; min.'
        t-and-r-kickmsg: '&RED;Banned for &TIME;min. Reason:&REASON;.'
        perm-broadcast: '&RED;Admin: &ANAME; has banned &TNAME;.'
        Banned-reason-left: '&RED;Banned! Reason:&REASON; (Left: &LEFT;min.)'
        Welcome-msg: '&GREEN;You have been unbanned. Welcome back!'
        Banned-IP: '&RED;Your IP has been banned.&WHITE; Do not change nickname!'
        Banned-reason: '&RED;You have been banned from this server. Reason:&REASON;.'
        No-access: '&RED;You don''t have permissions'
        Player-is-offline: '&RED;This player is offline'
    Hydrosis likes this.
  24. Offline


    I'm getting the same errors
  25. Offline


    Thanks for finding that bug. I didn't see it in my tests.
    It was caused by not having a bans.yml file in your AdvancedBans plugin folder. I have now added a default file in the jar so it won't error out when the file doesn't exist.

    Further I found a bug in the loading of the string cauzing the unban sting to not be displayed when a player is unbanned.

    Thanks xeon927 for the strings, I've added them to the default config for everyone to enjoy.

    Download The new version here

    And the not so exciting change log
    Added old strings back instead of the dutch ones ( thank to xeon927 )
    Fixed unban message not showing when unbanning player
    Fixed possible bug when a language string isn't set
    Fixed bug where a non existent bans.yml files causes errors on join.
    xeon927 likes this.
  26. Offline


    the download-link is broken i get: 404 dropbox not found. can you fix this i need this plugin!
  27. Offline


    Since this was so outdated, I asked my development group and we updated this to 1.2.3 bukkit, link:
    If there is any problem, tell me :)
  28. Offline


    Does nobody read this thread?
    I already updated it like 3 days ago. And have been supporting it for quite a bit longer then that.

    Seeing as you did not include a change log, or the source to the modifications you made. I must recommend every one to NOT use your version.
    This is on that base that you used my version 0.72 and then saying you 'updated' it. This alone i'm not against, but that fact that you didn't include a source makes me a bit eerie.

    I'm not here to start a fight, I'm just very surprised someone would do this.
  29. Offline


    Someone of a server requested us to do this, we did it, and shared it, I only made it compatible with 1.2.3 because it was getting a error before, that's all... I didn't even add credits lol...
  30. Offline


    I saw that mid writing my reply. However it was already 1.2.3 compatible, you just fixed my very bad java code :) Which I fixed myself last Sunday.
    Some people are just so damn impatient.
  31. Offline


    True, well, I code for fun, so, any request I just do it xD

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