Inactive [GEN/MECH] VirtualChest 5.6.1 - Have a Chest with you Everywhere[All Economy] [1.1R6/1.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Dark_Balor, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. Offline


    VirtualChest (aka GiftPost) - New way to play with minecraft's inventory :
    Version: v5.6.1

    Require Bukkit CB 1337 MIN

    First of all, what's a VirtualChest ?

    A Virtual Chest is a chest that can't be accessed in the "physical world of minecraft" there is no block, nothing. It's mean that you are the only one who can use it, impossible to stole the content, and unlike your player's inventory, no loss when dying.

    You can access whenever you want just by taping a command or using the "magical wand". Like in the game there is 2 types of chest, Large and Normal.

    You can use a virtual chest as an "envelope" to send a package of items to an other player's virtual chest.

    One is never enough then you can buy more Virtual Chest (by default the limit is 10), set the default chest to be opened with the "magical wand", used for send and receive gift.

    • Every player have he's chest (depending on Permissions)
    • And can buy other if he want
    • You can send the content of your chest to a Friend
    • Offline mode works (depending on what you put in the config file)
    • Autogenerated config file at first launch.
    • AutoSaver to not lose your's items
    • 2 type of chest, Large and Normal (like in the game)
    • Normal type is upgradeable ingame
    • Max-Range configurable.
    • Work with any items like coloured Wool, Dye etc ...
    • You can set a sign to avoid your player to use there chest everywhere
    • Support for All Economy Plugins with Vault.
    • Support MultiWorld !
    • Support for mcMMO !
    • Support Essentials Reload Command
    IMPORTANT :If you use an Economy plugin you NEED THE VAULT API (Plugin).


    Source Code

    Video Tutorial ( made by @Qanthelas )

    Commands (All PLAYERNAME are CASE SENSITIVE !)
    /gp ? 1,2 or 3 - to see the help's page (1,2 or 3)
    /gp c (|ChestName) - open the chest ChestName. If no ChestName provided, use the default chest. (by default your first chest)
    /gp s (PlayerName) - send the content of your default chest to the PlayerName
    /gp e ChestName - empty the selected chest.
    /gp b (large OR normal) ChestName - buy a new chest with the type and the name choosen
    /gp u (|ChestName) - Upgrade the default chest if no ChestName is provided and if it's a normal chest.
    /gp set ChestName (default OR send) - Set the ChestName as default chest or as send/receive chest for "gifts"
    /gp l - List all your chests
    /gp r oldName newName - Rename the chest oldName to newName
    /gp rm <chest> - DESTROY the <chest> forever !
    Admins commands :
    mcMMO added command :
    These command work when mcMMO is installed (version 0.9.20 MINIMUM)
    /gp party OR /gp p (large OR normal) - Buy a VirtualChest for your party (large or normal chest)
    /gp o OR /pchest  - Open the party's chest
    giftpost.chest.everywhere - allow to open the chest everywhere. - to open the chest, set default chest, buy a chest, list chests, rename chests, delete chests
    giftpost.chest.empty - to empty your chest
    giftpost.chest.send - to send the content of the chest
    giftpost.chest.upgrade - to upgrade a chest
    giftpost.admin.empty - to empty the chest of an another player
    giftpost.admin.limit -  allow the user to set a limit of max-chest for an another Player.
    giftpost.admin.sign - allow to create the sign [Chest Keeper] to be use as an accessors to the chest - Everything is free for the admins
    giftpost.admin.item - Allow the admin to use the command /gp i to spawn an item in his send chest
    giftpost.admin.sendallusers - Allow the admin to send the content of his sendchest to all user who have a VirtualChest - Allow the admin to list and open other player chest.
    How to set the max chests limit and default chest Type with Permissions (open)

    Example on Group Admin :
    As you can see you must add
                    maxchests: 2
                    chestType : 'normal'
    in the info node
            default: false
                prefix: ''
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                    maxchests: 2
                    chestType : 'normal'
                - '*'
    Example on User
    Here you must add
                    maxchests: 5
                    chestType : 'normal'
    in the user Node (here Balor)
            - Admins
            permissions: []
                    maxchests: 5
                    chestType : 'normal'
    The override works like that : /gp lim Command > User Permissions Variable > Group Permissions Variable > Plugin Config File

    Of course if you set the variable for the group, every user of that group will have that variable.

    How to configure Signs Chest Commands (open)

    1. You must have the permission giftpost.admin.sign if you don't have it this will happen when you'll try to create the sign
    2. create a sign with first line : [Chest Keeper] to use it to open the default chest, [Buy Chest] to buy a chest (see config file and Spoiler about setting the default type with Permissions) and [Up Chest] to upgrade the chest.
    3. When done just use the right click to open the default chest

    Configuration file (open)

    #using or not the max range
    use-max-range: 'true'

    #the max range in block
    max-range: 100

    #allow or not the offline mode (sending a gift to an offline player)
    allow-offline: 'true'

    #Activate or disable the MOTD
    message-of-the-day: 'true'

    #Allow user to use the "wand" to open their default chest
    use-wand: 'true'

    #Id of the item to be used as "wand" by default it's the chest
    wand-item-id: 54

    #Maximum of chest a player can have
    max-number-chest: 10

    #Every X min the AutoSaver will save the content of the chests
    auto-save-time: 10

    #Check if the two player are in the same world when trying to send a "gift"
    world-check: 'true'

    #Activate or not iConomy for the plugin
    iConomy: 'true'

    #Price for sending a gift (in game it's display price for the post) if iConomy activated
    iConomy-send-price: 1.0

    #Price for opening the chest if iConomy activated
    iConomy-openchest-price: 1.0

    #Price of a normalChest
    iConomy-normalChest-price: 10.0

    #Price of a largeChest
    iConomy-largeChest-price: 20.0

    #When opening a chest, auto-stack same items together.
    auto-stack: 'true'

    #When opening a chest, sort it by item ID.
    auto-sort: 'true'

    #The users can only buy NORMAL chest.
    only-normal: 'false'

    #The users can only use the sign to open and buy a chest.
    only-sign: 'false'

    #By default the command buy (and the sign) will buy this type of chest (can be overrided in the Permissions file, see below).
    chest-default: normal

    #If set to true, when the player die, every item he have in his chests are dropped on the ground (like the normal inventory)
    drop-on-death: 'false'

    #If set to true, avoid using SuperPerm Bridge, to use only the Official Super Perm
    forceOfficialBukkitPerm: false

    Todo (open)

    1. Add support for an Economy
    2. Support mcMMO
    3. Add the possibility to lose what we have in the chest when we die
    4. Restrict chest to a location/sign
    5. ideas ?

    Credits (open)

    This plugin use the Proof of Concept of @Timberjaw about VirtualChest.

    Version 5.6.1
    • [BUKKIT FIX] Works with 1.1-R6 and 1.2

    Version 5.6
    • [CHANGE] Moved to the new Event system
    • [CHANGE] better handeling of Permissions Plugin
    • [CHANGE] Works with bukkit since version 1.1-R1
    Version 5.5
    • [UPDATE] Work with last 1700+- build of Bukkit.
    Version 5.4
    • [CHANGE] Removed Register, Using Vault now for Economy management
    • [CHANGE] VirtualChest can store Cheated Items.
    Version 5.3.2
    • [BUG FIX] Corrected a bug with the rename command.
    Version 5.3.1

    • [CHANGE] Retro-Compatibility with older bukkit version then 1500 (that don't have enchantments)
    Version 5.3

    • [BUG FIX] Some minor bug correction
    • [FEATURE] Works with enchantments
    • [OPTIMIZATION] Changed how the items are saved in the file (auto-convert)
    Version 5.2

    • [OPTIMIZATION] Some optimization done in the file management.
    Version 5.1

    • [CHANGE/BUG FIX] When Register is not detected AND iConomy set to true in the config file, the plugin will auto-disable the Economy feature and display an error message in the log asking to download the Register API.
    Version 5.0.5

    • [CHANGE] No more auto-download of Register
    • [CHANGE] Register added as DEPENDENCY.
    Version 5.0.4

    • [BUG FIX] limit set by the command /gp lim rework now.
    Version 5.0.3

    • [BUG FIX] Should resolve problems with Register.
    Version 5.0.2

    • [BUG FIX] Some permissions weren't working correctly with PermissionsBukkit.
    Version 5.0.1

    • [BUG FIX] With Register.
    Version 5.0

    • [FEATURE] Works with PermissionsEX and Official Bukkit Permission (SuperPerm)
    • [BUG FIX/UPDATE] Updated the use of the Register API.
    • [FEATURE] Works with iConomy 6.x
    Old ChangeLog (open)

    Version 4.5

    • [MINECRAFT] Work with 1.8.1
    • [BUG FIX] Now the old save file are correctly converted
    • [BUG FIX] With the stacker, some time was throwing a ArrayOutOfBound
    Version 4.4.5

    • [BUG FIX] Corrected a major bug in the new save system, user could duplicate their chest using the rename and delete command.
    Version 4.4.4

    • [CHANGE] To avoid any problem with empty command, you must now type the name of the chest to empty it.
    Version 4.4.3

    • [BUG FIX] Corrected command /gp i. Now re-works. You can give colored item example : /gp i wool:5
    Version 4.4.2

    • [BUG FIX] No more NPE with setDefaultChest
    • [BUG FIX] Using the new save system to take the chest list : IMPORTANT. If you had some chest that disappeared before, they will not be in the list anymore.
    Version 4.4.1

    • [BUG FIX] No more exception when using SuperPermBridge
    Version 4.4

    • [BUG FIX] Save corruption
    • [FEATURE] Admin can now open and list other player chest
    • [CHANGE] Save system, now using YML file (that can be edited manually when the user is offline). NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING, the convert is automatic without any loss.
    • [OPTIMIZATION] some code optimization.
    Version 4.3.5

    • [BUG FIX] Correct a rare NPE.
    • [BUG FIX] Should avoid Chest Corruption.
    Version 4.3.4

    • [BUG FIX] Corrected an NPE with the google ConcurrentMap and getDefaultChest.
    Version 4.3.3

    • [COMPATIBILITY] Retro-compatibility with bukkit version under 1000.
    Version 4.3.2

    • [OPTIMIZATION] Using Google collection Concurrent Map. Better memory foot print.
    Version 4.3.1

    • [BUG FIX] In rename function, now the chest name is what it must in the list.
    • [CHANGE] Setting a limit to 0 mean unlimited
    Version 4.3

    • [OPTIMIZATION] Better flushing memory when the player disconnect
    • [BUG FIX] Some bug fix with the command upgrade and remove
    • [FEATURE] Possibility to drop the item in the chests on death (look config param)
    • [FEATURE] New Sign : [Up Chest] to upgrade the chest.
    • [OPTIMIZATION] To prepare the plugin with the next RB.
    Version 4.2

    • [CHANGE] How the upgrade works, now the amount to pay is : LargeChest - NormalChest.
    • [FEATURE] A Sign [Buy Chest] to buy chest
    • [FEATURE] Possibility to set a Default Chest Type in the config and in the Permissions file (seet above)
    • [FEATURE] New Setting : only-sign, it's allow the server admin to deactivate the commands buy and chest (opening the chest) for all the server meaning that only the 2 sign ([Chest Keeper] and [Buy Chest]) can be used to achieve these command.
    • [BUG FIX] Collision with other plugin that are using Register for there economy management.
    Version 4.1

    • [FEATURE] You can now use Permission to set the max chest limit (just look above on the Spoiler How to set the max chests limit with Permissions
    Version 4.0

    • [MAJOR CHANGE] Works now with all Economy plugins (BOSE, iConomy 4 & 5, Essentials)
    Version 3.9.1
    • [OPTIMIZATION] Some code optimization about disabling the plugin.
    Version 3.9

    • [MAJOR BUG FIX] When the player destroy his last/only chest, there where an exception and sometime a duplication of the items in it.
    Version 3.8

    • [FEATURE] 100% Compatible with the command Reload of Essentials
    Version 3.7.2

    • [MAJOR BUG FIX] With the auto-stacker functionality sometime it duplicate the Items instead of deleting it. CORRECTED !
    Version 3.7.1

    • [BUG FIX] Corrected an NPE with a fresh install
    • [BUG FIX] Corrected a problem when buying a new chest and deco/reco just after.
    [cake]Version 3.7[cake]
    • [OPTIMIZATION] Changed the way that the chest are saved. Now if a chest is corrupted, you will not loose all the Virtual Chest
    • [OPTIMIZATION] For the memory footprint, Virtual Chest automatically load and unload the chests. What I mean by that is only the players connected have their chests in memory. (Big big optimization, normally will reduce the CPU utilisation too)
    • [COMMAND] Added a command /gp help (/gp ? work too) to see the help's pages
    Version 3.6.2

    • [CORRECTION] No more msg when player connect when motd is deactivated.
    • [OPTIMIZATION] Permissions system.
    Version 3.6.1

    • [API] Changed the API to be compatible with Bukkit's ItemStacks.
    Version 3.6

    • [CHANGE] Works with iConomy 5.0
    Version 3.5.8

    • [BUG FIX] Command /gp e is now fixed
    • [FEATURE] added command /gp rm <chest> to remove the <chest>. Use it CAREFULLY because it's irreversible !
    Version 3.5.7

    • [BUG FIX] Corrected bug with mcMMO 1.0
    Version 3.5.6

    • [BUG FIX] NPE corrected in GiftPostWorker line 188
    • [BUG FIX] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException corrected in Chest line 59
    Version 3.5.5

    • [FEATURE] Added a new command and new Permission node (for admin) /gp i to add the given item to the send chest
    • [FEATURE] Add a new param and new Permission node (for admin) to command /gp s : when doing /gp s allusers, it's send the content of the send chest to all the users who have a VirtualChest.
    Version 3.5.4 (unReleased)

    • [BUG FIX] Corrected the bug in rename command. (The name of the VirtualChest was not changing).
    Version 3.5.3 (unReleased)

    • [FEATURE] Added new config param : only-normal. With this the user can ONLY buy normal chest.
    Version 3.5.2

    • [OPTIMIZATION] Using bukkit scheduler instead of my own thread
    • [MINOR] Now when we type a command without the right number of argument it send a little how to use the command instead of a list of all commands
    Version 3.5.1

    • [FEATURE/MISTAKE FIX] The chest are named automatically if no chestName is provided
    • [FEATURE] You can now rename your chests (command /gp r oldName NewName)
    • [BUG FIX] Corrected the bug with the auto-stack functionality
    Version 3.5

    • Work with bukkit 709
    Version 3.4.1

    • Corrected the message spam
    • [FEATURE] auto-stack and auto-sort chest (see config file)
    Version 3.4 (MAJOR BUG FIXE)

    • [FIXED] When using a large virtual chest, it was loaded as a normal chest when the server restart, meaning that you just have the 27 first items saved instead of 54.
    • Minor code optimization in the permission handler.
    Version 3.3.5

    • Changed the command set : now 2 different "default" chest, one to be open with the command and the wand, the other is used for sending and receiving items
    • added new permission node to have everything for free :
    • possibility to turn of the motd
    • possibility to disallow user to use the wand to open their chest
    Version 3.3.1

    • If a iConomy cost = 0, no message about the chest keeper is displayed
    Version 3.3

    • Added the possibility to set the limit of chest by Player (case sensitive)
    • Added the possibility to set Signs ([Chest Keeper]) to open chests
    • New permissions (giftpost.admin.limit, gifpost.admin.sign, giftpost.chest.everywhere)
    Version 3.2.1

    • Corrected a bug with the command upgrade. When restarting the server, the upgrade was lost.
    Version 3.2

    • Added support for mcMMO : you can buy a chest for your party. When the party is dismissed the chest is destroyed. (done with the help of @nossr50 developer of mcMMO)
    Version 3.1.1

    Version 3.1

    • Added command List to list all your chest
    Version 3.0

    • Now you can buy chest
    • You can have more than 1 chest
    • You can upgrade a normal chest to a large chest
    • You can set a Default chest for send, receive and "wand"
    • New config file (please look at it)
    • Chest now used as magic wand
    Version 2.2.1

    • Added the possibility to disable iConomy for the plugin (look config file)
    Version 2.2

    • Support for iConomy
    Version 2.1

    • Support for MultiWorld
    Version 2.0

    • Public Release with possibility to send the content
    Version 1.0

    • Created an api for VirtualChest

    changed the name to VirtualChest (more obvious name then GiftPost)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
    LPLukas, Monowii, AdamS and 6 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Yes VirtualChest need Register to works with every Economy Plugins. It should be automatically downloaded from my server. But it seems that some of you have some problem with it.

    .... I forgot to delete some part of the old API ... that sometime doing a conflict. I'll correct that.
    Tendonsie likes this.
  3. Offline


    Thanks you :) If it's fixed for iConomy please PM me :)
  4. Offline


    Should be working now.
  5. Offline


    Error is gone :) Thats good.

    One problem: if you buy a new chest for 4 dollar, he doesn't do -4 dollar.
    He she that I have money, he buy it, but he doesn't do -4 on my account.

    If I test in chestshop, and I buy something there he discount it.

    Edit: if I have 100 dollar, and the chest is 400 dollar to buy, he buy it :p So he doesn't see my money at all.
  6. Offline


    Do you have the node ? because if you have it, it's mean you don't pay for anything.

    I just tried now with iConomy 6, and it's worked.
    Tendonsie likes this.
  7. Offline


    Hmmm I will check. It's strange than that he discounts for ChestShop, and not for Virtual Chest.
    And sometimes, ChestShops doesn't work. It seems that iConomy is strange at the moment.
    Sometimes you log in, you go to chestshop, you buy, he say you dont have the money, you doe /money and you have the money ... :p

    Admin: "*" permissions.
  8. Offline


    add the '' node.
    If you want to be charged ^^
  9. Offline

    Robby Zampino

    Love it.
  10. Offline


    Im still having problems with this plugin, its up to date, and I have register + Iconomy V6... when ever I try one of the commands, I just get "An internal error has occurred while attempting to preform this command" If you would like my plugin list - just tell me in a reply, I can make the list on pastie.

    *EDIT*! It SOMETIMES works, (Does not) ONLY when there are items in that chest (If you would like to see my plugin list, I have a link here :
  11. Offline


    still register error..

    you should state that this plugin require register!

    i have even use the Register.jar directly from nijo github . still error!
  12. Offline


    I get the following error:
    [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling VirtualChest v5.0.2 (Is it up to date?): Expected static method com.nijikokun.register.payment.Methods.getMethod()Lcom/nijikokun/register/payment/Method;
    java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static method com.nijikokun.register.payment.Methods.getMethod()Lcom/nijikokun/register/payment/Method;
    at com.Balor.bukkit.GiftPost.GiftPost.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  13. Offline


    @roly , @SC_AL3X @all :
    To everybody who downloaded the Register Plugin , please delete it and download it from here : Register Plugin
    There are some error in the Register plugin on the github that need to be corrected.

    And of course, UPDATE every other plugin that use the Register Plugin.
  14. Offline


    The version that you link gives errors and if 50% smaller then the one that you download from github.
  15. Offline


    I need an error log with all plugin you have.

    It's smaller only because it's compressed, the version of Nijikokun is not compressed (zipped). JAR mean Java Archive meaning you can compress it.

    I uploaded an uncompressed version that will work like the on of Nijikokun but with some fix.
  16. Offline


    [SEVERE] Could not load 'plugins\Register.jar' in folder 'plugins':
    java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/nijikokun/register/Register : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$000(Unknown Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(
    at com.Balor.bukkit.GiftPost.GiftPost.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(
    at com.Balor.bukkit.GiftPost.GiftPost.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(
    at com.Balor.bukkit.GiftPost.GiftPost.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  17. Offline


    @thesuperguy : can you download manually the Register.jar from the first post ?
  18. Offline


    What options do I need to setup to get this to work with BOSEconomy? In the base config file I only see options for Iconomy, and setting those to true and providing values does not seem to do anything in BOSEconomy. I can create new chests, send the contents of chests, and open chests and I never get charged any money. I am not getting any errors in my console, it just does not seem to be tying into my economy plugin at all.

    I should mention that I have already grabbed the Register.jar file that you listed, and I do not have the node in my permissions.
  19. Offline


    When I use "gp lim" to set a new limit for a player, I get a message that it was successful but when I go buy a new chest it says I have already reached the default limit. I do have the default amount of chests and am trying to change it for the player. Did something change in this new version that prevents limits greater than the default?
  20. Offline


    Normally it's should be working with just setting iConoomy to true in the config file.

    Can I take a look to your server.log when the server is booting ?

    @Vasher : I'll investigate, I changed some things in the limit to use Permissions, I maybe messed-up somewhere ;)

    Version 5.0.4

    • [BUG FIX] limit set by the command /gp lim rework now.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  21. Offline


    I tried installing this, and the bukkit window just gives an enormous amount of errors when I try to start it. Once it does start, though, Virtual Chest doesn't work. It seems like it's stuck in an infinite loop of disabling and enabling everything on the server. It's trying to download register.jar even if it's already there, too.
  22. Offline


    Then delete it, and take the one from the first post, then restart the server.

    The auto-download should have been work ...
  23. Offline


    I deleted my server log, rebooted my server, and then logged in.
    1. After logging in I purchased a chest and then upgraded it. I checked my money balance both before and after each transaction and in both cases my money was not deducted.
    2. After finishing the test I disconnected from my server and shut it down.
    3. The contents of my log file from this test can be found here.
  24. Offline


    I did install it from the post like you suggested earlier. It just still doesn't work.
  25. Offline


    I don't know where is the problem ... witch permission plugin are you using ? I know that PermissionsEX have some problem with '-' node.

    Because Register found BoseEconomy :
    83 : 2011-10-02 15:39:55 [INFO] [Register] Payment method found (BOSEconomy version: 0.7.0)
    @Teraku : can you do like Dalinius and paste your server.log in ?
  26. Offline


    I am using bPermissions for my permissions plugin.
  27. Offline


    in the config change :
    #If set to true, avoid using SuperPerm Bridge, to use only the Official Super Perm
     forceOfficialBukkitPerm: false
    to TRUE.
    Because It's was using the bridge.
  28. Offline


    I already had that setting set to true in my config file. I did a bit more testing and I found that all non-admin users are getting charged just fine. it seems like only admins are being allowed to buy and upgrade chests without paying even though I made sure not to give admins access to the permission node.

    I have the following options listed for my basic users:
    - giftpost.chest.everywhere
    - giftpost.chest.empty
    - giftpost.chest.send
    - giftpost.chest.upgrade

    And these are the options I have listed for admins:
    - giftpost.admin.empty
    - giftpost.admin.limit
    - giftpost.admin.sign
    - giftpost.admin.item
    - giftpost.admin.sendallusers
  29. Offline


    You didn't put it to true, I'm pretty sure because in the log you provided there isn't any :
    [INFO] [VirtualChest] Plugin Forced to use Offical Bukkit Permission System
  30. Offline


    Ah yes, I do have PermissionsEX because Permissions 3.0 seems to be abandoned.
  31. Offline


    I do have forceOfficialBukkitPerm: 'true' listed in the config file, but that brings up a question. When the config file was created, all of the options that were boolean options, were listed with single quotes surrounding true/false (i.e. 'true' or 'false'). I have not seen this in other plugins, they usually list boolean options as true or false without using single quotes around them. I left the single quotes around these as I assumed you were reading them as strings and not as booleans. Should I have been removing these single quotes?

    I am at work at the moment, but I can try removing the single quotes from all boolean options when I get home to see if that changes anything.

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