Inactive [GEN] GiftSend v0.8 - Send items to other players[RB 1.2.3-R0.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Nitnelave, May 25, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Version 0.8
    Tested on RB 1.2.3-R0.1


    This is a fork of the abandoned SendGift.
    This plugin allows players to send items to each other. As opposed to the /give command, it does not generate the items out of the blue, but takes them from the sender's inventory. You can send items to players offline (configurable), and they will get it when they log in! You can set a fee for sending items. Permissions is optional, with OP fallback.

    /send <player> <amount> (item name or ID) (damage or color ID)
    /gift <player> <amount> (item name or ID) (damage or color ID)

    The item defaults to the one you're holding if not specified.

    When updating to 0.8, delete your config file.

    Features :
    • You can send items to other players via a simple command
    • You can send items to players offline, they'll get them when they log in (configurable).
    • Maximum range people can send items (configurable)
    • Allow cross world transfers (configurable, disallow offline transfers to enforce)
    • Fee per transaction.
    • Supports Permissions, but has OP fallback, or just allow-everyone (configurable)
    • Supports both item IDs and item names
    • Supports colored wool and damaged tools (sends the first tool it finds, damaged or not)
    • Supports OddItem for item names
    • Supports Vault Economy for transaction fee
    Permissions nodes (case sensitive):
    • GiftSend.send to allow sending items
    • GiftSend.nofee to allow sending for free (requires the send node)
    Older versions


    TODO: (will only implement if explicitely requested)

    Some more advanced taxing features (number of stacks, number of items...)

    Known Bugs :
    None :D ... (so far!)

    Changelog :
    • v0.8 -- Updated for CB1.2.3 -- switched to Vault for iconomy
    • v0.7 -- Support for BukkitPerms, crossworld setting.
    • v0.6 -- Added a fee per transaction, iConomy and BosEconomy support.
    • v0.5.1 -- fixed duplicate sending bug.
    • v0.5 - Fixed bug with item in hand durability, improved handling of durability for tools
    • v0.4.1 - The item ACTUALLY defaults to the one you're holding :p. Fixed a NullPointerException
    • v0.4 - The item defaults to the one you're holding if not specified
    • v0.3 - Fixed cookie bug. Fixed limitation on item sending (no longer 64 max). Fixed illegal stack sizes or sending more than the other can receive : it gets logged in the offline file, so that the user gets it after. Added support for OddItem.
    • v0.2.1 - Various bug fixes, including : not being able to send damaged tools (now send the first tools it finds), unstackable items stacking. WARNING: this version is no longer compatible with the transaction files from the older SendGift and from the older versions. Delete them.
    • v0.2 - Added OP Fallback. Updated the config to allow a choice of permissions.
    • v0.1 - First release. Forked SendGift, fixed main bugs. Learned Java :p
    zok, efstajas and Taranis01 like this.
  2. Offline


    Sounds like a cool plugin if it will work.
  3. Offline


    v0.2 out! Next I'll have to update to minecraft 1.6 when it's stable with Bukkit... Oh, jeez
  4. Offline


    Woohoo! v0.2.1! various bug fixes -- check the changelog.
  5. Offline

    Weltall 7

    It would be nice to be able to send the item in your hand, so it will be easier to send wool and dye.
    I guess the command would look like this:
    /send <player> [<amount>]
    where amount is defaulted to the amount you currently hold.
  6. Offline


    That would be easy to do. I'll update tonight, probably.

    Updated to 0.4
    The item now defaults to the one you're holding, making it easier to send colored wool, as our dear friend @Weltall 7 pointed out. Edit : by the way, that was the easiest update ever ^^

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  7. Offline


    Ok, now, I'm not going to make updates any more unless someone has a bug, or a feature request. I was planning to do some iConomy integrating to tax people, but if no one is to use it, what's the point?
  8. Offline


    Seems pretty awesome. I'm going to try it today. Also about the iConomy taxes, how about it charges based on how far away the person is, so that people will prefer to just trade items. I don't use any economy system on my server though, so that would be useless to me.
  9. Offline


    I will only implement taxes if somebody asks specifically for them. But it's a good idea! I'll remember it if I end up doing it.
  10. Offline


    it isn't defaulting to the item in my hand.

    it generates an internal error.
    2011-06-23 09:27:07 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'send' in plugin GiftSend v0.4
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at com.GiftSend.GiftSend.GiftSend.onCommand(
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        ... 12 more
  11. Offline


    Version 0.4.1 -- Bugfix release. Fixed defaulting to Item in hand, and the NullPointerException

    Whoo! First bug report! And it's a 2 in 1! Both fixed, stupid mistakes (!= is NOT equal, but different :p)
    If you still have bugs, do tell!
  12. Offline


    You might want to delete or change the last sentence, seeing as you have accomplished what you said you would (=
  13. Offline


    Yes indeed! You, sir, are a keen reader, and I thank you for that!
  14. Offline


    Say mate, what happens if the account you sent it to, while he was offline, has no space when he logs in?
  15. Offline


    It gives him what he can receive, then tell him there's not enough space, so he has to empty his inventory, and re login.
  16. Offline


    The Damage part is giving me trouble. The old plugin could easily send damage swords without specifying any damage or anything. Now I just can't get it to send them.

    How should I do the command? Or is this a bug? CB 953.

    I'm trying /send sukosevato 1 272

    Which is a damaged stone sword
  17. Offline


    For Damaged swords, the most simple is to hold it in your hand and type /send sukosevato
  18. Offline


    It's not working unfortunately.

    I got it all set up the way it should be. Got the permission node 'GiftSend.send' And as admin it also doesn't work with the '*' node.

    I can do /send sukosevato 1 3
    And I will get 1 block of dirt.

    How ever when I try /send sukosevato
    while holding the same block of dirt. It returns me the following:
    /send [playername] [amount] (item_id or name) (damage/durability)

    That's the same error I get when trying to send damaged swords and similar. Sending items from hand basically doesn't work. All other parts of the plugin do.

    I'm using CB 953 and v0.4.1 of your plugin.
    Permissions v.2.7.2 (not sure if it matters, since it should have OP fall back as you said)

    Config file:
    max-range: -1
    allow-offline: 'true'
    use-permissions: 'permissions'  #permissions, OP or false
    I've also used 0 as range. But it made no difference.

    Hope this information is any useful to you. If you want any other info, i'll reply back asap.

    Btw being able to send the item you're holding is great. Makes it so much easier not having to look up the item id!

    Thanks for taking your time for this.
  19. Offline


    Ok, try with v0.5, it should do what you need.
  20. Offline


    Hi, i tried this plugin but when player A send something to player B, player B recive the item twice.
    Very annoying :S

    Using the latest version of the plugin, and build 953.
  21. Offline


    what did you do? just /send B
    with an item in your hand? was it a tool? was it damaged?
  22. Offline


    We tried with some stone-step, with /send B while the item was in hand and /send B 1 43. Both commands had duplicated the item. We tried also with a workbench and we've got the same problem.

    Oh, and i added an alias in the plugin.yml located inside the .jar, because the /send command is actually used by another plugin on our server, i added /env (for "envoyer" = send in french), could this be the origin of the problem ?
  23. Offline


    updated to 0.5.1, I got the bug fixed
  24. Offline


    Works perfect now! thanks a lot!
  25. Offline


    Thank you so much for the update ! Using on my server, players are very happy ;)
  26. Requesting:

    Add iConomy support for taxing exchanges
  27. Offline


    We'll see that next week-end... What kind of tax? a one-fee-for-all? a per amount price? a per-item price?
  28. Flat amount per transaction would be fine for me. Don't need complication for it.
  29. Offline


    Ok, I'll do that next weekend, and if someone needs it (and requests it) I'll do the more fancy stuff.
  30. Offline


    thx 1000 times

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