Inactive [GEN] Essentials v2.1 [?]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Zenexer, Jan 19, 2011.

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    Edit: Found the problem
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    I'm going through unused essential jar files and i'm not sure what "EssentialsServerlist.jar" is. Anyone have an idea?
    The plugin had this info in it.
    name: EssentialsServerlist
    main: net.mcserverlist.bukkit.Mcsl
    version: 234
    description: Official MCServerlist API implementation
    I have a private server so should I remove this? I dont' want my server exposed.
  4. Offline


    It is just an API nothing harmful and it will not do anything to you if you have not registered it on mcserverlist and have configuration config.yml.
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # |                EssentialsServerlist                  | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # This is your server's API key.  Register your server at if you haven't already.
    mcsl-key: ''
    You can remove it if you are not going to register it on mcserverlist.
  5. Offline


    Thank you for the quick response.
  6. Offline


    The commands /warp, /spawn, the tp-commands and /home doesn't work. So all commands where a player moves.
    For Example I type "/tp Royente" and in the chat is Teleporting... but nothing happens
  7. Offline


    The problem is that you need to rename your Permissions config.yml file to {WORLDNAME}.yml (I think you can figure out where the name of your world folder goes)
  8. This is not possible. essentials HAS to be there somewhere.

    Its minecraft itself. The new chunk loading system

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  9. Offline


    On 236, /nick doesn't seem to actually change the nick in the chat. It registers the change in users.yml and when you type it in, you get confirmation/feedback that it worked, but that's all.

    Also, is there a way to remove the < and > from non-default users?
  10. Offline


    Please Stop!!

    I was about to upgrade my server hardware thinking the new Minecraft 1.3 was taxing my CPU, I had horrible block and chat lag, and warning messages would not stop. All day I spend trying to track down the source of this lag. One plugin at a time, turns out the second I removed Essentials my server became lightning fast. What is going on here?

    Essentials it no longer is just the essentials, it is becoming a huge bloated monstrousity which requires endless configuration to remove all the useless stuff it forces you to install on your system. You are not bukkit, theres no need to take it upon yourselves to add all possible functionality into your plugin. I seriously think you guys need to refocus here. Stop adding new features. Stop it. I know its fun to code them, but please focus on the essentials and modularize. Essentials could be split up into a few dozen different standalone plugins, each focusing on one thing and doing it well, that could be added to a server a-la-carte. There is no need to a half baked TP implementation, no need for a half baked warps implementaton, all this already exists and its done better. What is going on here?

    Please do something about this before eveyone else abandones this project like I have. I am now going forced to create a separate plugin with just the *real* essentials again so I can use on my sever. I refuse to add this monster at the cost it demands. Yes I know no dev likes to trhow away his own code, but please check yourselves, there is no need for this rampant indulgence.

    p.s. A copy of GroupManager?? Really?? Talk about jumping the freaking shark.
  11. Offline


    I recently replaced General with Essentials and it is not reading the spawn.yml file that /setspawn sets. It is using the spawn originally set by General instead. I have removed General completely and still the same issue. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
  12. Offline


    I can understand were you are coming from phaed I was experiencing dramatic lag once I updated essentials, you are turning essentials from one plug-in into many and it is killing my server and from what I read many others as well, I think sitting down and rethinking what essentials is planning on becoming is it going to be a combined group of plugins or just the basics I loved essentials when it was just the standard plugins that you need for server administration, its just gotten to much now and many servers are struggling to run it due to the sheer size of it.

    I don't want to see this project go down hill it is a fantastic plug-in it just needs to be rethought.

    Waves - TM

    I had problems with this also, Every time I set the spawn it sent players to the spawn i set on joining the game and when using /spawn but when a player dies they just get dropped in the middle of the water somewhere ? when i say dropped i mean they fall from at least 1 or 15 blocks up into the water.

    I removed essentials till all the bugs are fixed and till it has been simplified I'm looking for something a little more standard and not to big.

    Waves - TM

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2016
  13. Offline


    Is that a joke?
    The developer of WorldEdit and WorldGuard wrote in his Thread, that Essentials will crash his plugins.
    And ahead Zenexer wrote, that WorldEdit and WorldGuard are highly recommend.
    Will Essentials crash those (very impressive) Plugins or not?
  14. Offline


    Hey there!
    Is there a way to disable the mailingservice of Essentials?
    It's kind of getting on peoples nerves on my server because they see the message "You have no new mails." when they log in ;) We are not using that function so i think resources can be saved :)
  15. Offline


    Does /motd and /rules conflict with MCDocs?
  16. Offline


    @AmazingHayman - I must be. I have the latest Essentials ( using all but EssentialsProtect.jar) and it works really well with WorldGuard and WorldEdit. They are a great match really! [​IMG]

  17. Offline


    Pfew. Thank god that it works. Have so much problems with other Plugins. And when I read that sentence of the Developer of WorldEdit I hit my head against a wall.
  18. Offline


    The teleport related commands are sending people to the surface even if the target is underground. For example, /sethome inside house. /home while in a cave, teleport on top of house. /back to return, teleport on top of cave.
    Do I have something configured wrong, or can this be fixed?
  19. Offline


    Can you remove the use of /back when someone dies? (Is there a node?)

    I want dying to be a pain, not a luxury to get your health back.

    Thanks :]
  20. Offline


    Yup, I have mine set up so MCdocs shows the MOTD and Essentials shows the rules.
  21. Offline


    /help and /msg dosen't work for me, exept for admin, see my GM data :
        default: false
        permissions: []
        inheritance: [villageois]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: false
        permissions: []
        inheritance: [villageois]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: false
        permissions: ['*']
        inheritance: [marchand]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: false
        permissions: []
        inheritance: [villageois]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: false
        permissions: []
        inheritance: [villageois]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: true
        permissions: [/locate, essentials.getpos,*, essentials.helpop,
          essentials.home, essentials.list, essentials.mail.*, essentials.motd, essentials.msg.*,
, essentials.sethome, essentials.spawn, essentials.tpa, essentials.tpaccept,
          essentials.tpahere, essentials.tptoggle, essentials.tptoggle, iConomy.access iConomy.rank,
          pvp.on, signColours.*]
        inheritance: []
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
      permissions: {system: default}
    What's wrong ?
    Nick name and color for ops doesn't works too
    I have all the essentials v237 (exept Eprotect) and i'm runing with CB b445
  22. Offline


    I got the same probleme but i run Permissions and not GM...
    CraftBukkit version : 452
  23. Offline


    yes it's the same
  24. Offline



    Try this.
        default: false
        permissions: []
        inheritance: [villageois]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: false
        permissions: []
        inheritance: [villageois]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: false
        permissions: ['*']
        inheritance: [marchand]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: false
        permissions: []
        inheritance: [villageois]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: false
        permissions: []
        inheritance: [villageois]
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
        default: true
        permissions: [/locate, essentials.getpos,, essentials.helpop,
          essentials.home, essentials.list, essentials.mail, essentials.motd, essentials.msg,
, essentials.sethome, essentials.spawn, essentials.tpa, essentials.tpaccept,
          essentials.tpahere, essentials.tptoggle, essentials.tptoggle, iConomy.access iConomy.rank,
          pvp.on, signColours.*, essentials.mail.send]
        inheritance: []
        info: {prefix: '', build: true, suffix: ''}
      permissions: {system: default}
    And for Nick to work you need to take it out of of the disabled commands in /plugins/essentials/config.yml (essentials global section) the same with op colours, set the colour you want their name to be at the top or put none for no default colour, this will allow you to have a chosen colour if you have a chat plugin.
  25. Offline


    i do it for nick, nick works but in chat i have the same name, and i already try to remove .* and is still not works
  26. Offline


    /Nick is not working for anyone atm.
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    what do you use ingame to edit peoples rank cause /mod dont work
  29. Offline


    Today I (a brand new, very dumb, Bukkit user and 20-man server admin) installed Essentials, Essentials Home.

    I was so blown away with how easy the installs went, and how smoothely everything works, I had to donate.

    I've sent a few bucks your way, and will continue to do so as long as you keep up with the awesome development.

    Major kudos to you, and THANK YOU!!!
  30. Offline


    /manuadd <user> <usergroup>
  31. Offline


    Alright. I need some serious help. My server has taken a serious hit from the new Minecraft update, breaking nearly all my plugins. None of my commands were working so I then checked and realized my essentials jar had magically disappeared. So I reinstalled it, and now anytime someone tries to use the commands, its says they aren't allowed. Here's my Config.Yml in .txt form so I can upload it.

    Attached Files:

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