Inactive [GEN]BooksImportPastebin-Tired of writing those books? Import pastebin or copy existing ones[1.3.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DxDy, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Hey Zmolahah,

    No problems putting spaces in the book contents via paste bin, i'm referring to the actual title/author portion of the book. Example:

    /copybook PasteID Name [author]
    /copybook 1123412341234 The Great Book Tobyz28

    This would create a book called -"The"- and the author would be "Great".

    Placing quotes around the Subject doesn't seem to have any effect:
    /copybook 1123412341234 "The Great Book" Tobyz28This would create a book called -"The- and the author would be -Great-.

    Hope this is clear! :)
  2. Offline


    Oh right silly me,

    I don't think you can but it would be a great edition to the plugin like if you wanted to space out a title or author all you do is add /Copybook 1123412341234 "The Great Book" Tobyz28

    But sadly I don't think you can yet
  3. Offline


    Can you please post your source code, DxDy? :)

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