Inactive [GEN]BooksImportPastebin-Tired of writing those books? Import pastebin or copy existing ones[1.3.1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by DxDy, Aug 11, 2012.

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    BukkitDev-Page (with download ;))​
    -> Import books
    Just get the raw paste ID (the thing after i= in the link) and use it as follows: ([] = optional)
    /copybook PasteID Name [author]
    What is the PasteID (open)
    Assuming is your link, your paste ID is VVcJgUep, aka the thing after the last /

    Possible usage cases: Let your players upload their own texts more comfortably.
    -> Copy books
    Copy the book in your hand ;)
    Or copy it multiple times
    /copybooks [amount]

    Coming features
    • Better Line-Wrapping
    • Handling special Characters
    • Markup language
    copybook.copy - copying
    copybook.use - importing

    Video - Thanks to Zmolahah

    Direct download: CLICK ME!
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    DxDy likes this.
  3. Offline


    Cool! Yet to try out but might give it a go! Certainly looks good. :D
    DxDy likes this.
  4. Offline


    whrs the download link?
  5. Offline


    So this will allow me to copy books? Because I had a idea of adding a Newspaper type thing to my server and it would be useful if I had a plugin that could copy a book and paste it so I had 2 identical books, Also I can't see no download button or anything? So I guess I will be waiting your reply.
  6. Offline


    You may download it as soon as they approved the project on bukkitdev ;)

    At the moment the possibility to copy books exists only insofar as you may import the same paste, that will give you the same result ;)
    I believe there are already plugins that allow you to copy books, but I may just implement that for convenience ;)
  7. Offline


    and by /copybook PasteID Name [author] you mean we can change the author name? Thats a really cool option because I have places hidden on my server that have books and powerful items and it follows a story for example one book I wrote was about this boy who is the son of the old king and he stole his fathers sword and ran off to live on his own, and in the chest theres his remains (bone's and rotten flesh) with the book and sword and if i can change author I can add his name instead of my own name and it just brings more fun to the game :D
  8. Offline


    Sure, you may either don't provide an author name which will result in your name being the author, or you may use any name you want ;) (Has to be a valid minecraft-username though, so no whitespaces, although I could implement that as well, if it turns out to be something of wider use)
  9. Offline


    Sounds great! How do I download, I can't find a download button? Or can I not get it yet?

    Just noticed your reply about the download, I'll just be spying on this page until It's approved :D

    Even though md_5 said approved near the top, But I'm guessing that's about something else
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Yeah, the post here got approved, but not the BukkitDev-Project ;) Actually that got approved as well, in the meantime, but now we'll have to wait until the JAR-File has been approved :D

    But that shouldn't take more than an hour.
  12. Offline


    Uhhhh How much things does bukkit need to approve -.-

    Wish I knew how to make plugins..
  13. Offline


    jithins (noticing you here ;) )
    It got approved now, the download is available ;) I also added the copy-books feature :)
  14. Offline


    Downloaded :D

    Just been using the plugin, Erm the /copybook pasteID Name [author] bit... What do I put for the pasteID? you said something about the thing after I in a link but I have no idea what you mean :/ Oh also do you want me to make a youtube vid for your plugin? or were you going to do it yourself?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
    DxDy likes this.
  15. Offline


    If you're able to do that I would be most happy if you did ;) I can't really do any long videos as my internet connection isn't capable of big uploads.

    Regarding the links:
    If you paste something on pastebin, you get a link like
    You now take the thing after the last /, that is VVcJgUep and use that as paste ID ;)
  16. Offline


    Oh thats cool I never knew this plugin connects to the internet like that,

    Also I'll work on the vid now, If you want me to add anything to it just ask
    DxDy likes this.
  17. Offline


    The new version allows you to copy multiple books at once via /copybooks [amount], that would be the only thing :) Thanks in advance for the efforts :)
    Zmolahah likes this.
  18. Offline


    Good thing you said that, I only just finished the vid so now I can add that then put on youtube instead of adding then removing etc..

    I keep downloading and adding your plugin but /copybooks [Amount] does not exist? Have you added the new jar to the dev page yet?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  19. Offline


    I added it but there is the good old need for the file to get approved ;) I'll send you a PM with a version that is uploaded elsewhere :)
  20. Offline


    ah ok I'm installing now

    All done, I'm publishing it to Youtube now. I'll send you the link when it's done

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  21. Offline


    Wonderful :)
  22. Offline


    It's done here is the link:

    hope you like it
  23. Offline


    Very nice :) Thank you very much for making it :)
  24. Offline


    No problem
  25. Offline


    When importing, how can I give the book a title with spaces? Thx for making this, was itching for someone to make a plugin that works with the new books!
  26. Offline


    Dunno what you mean, If your on about spacing in the book when you import from I think you just space by pressing the Enter Key but before I got this plugin I always used the * key to space out my lines because then you can do (for example) Line 1: * A Book Title, Line 2: * Line 3: * This is a book about a title.
  27. Offline


    A markup language would be amazing :D

    Also, can you make it so that it will remove the book you're holding when it's copied?
  28. Offline


    Actually, with the minecraft color and formatting codes (§) there is already the possibility to do markup :)
  29. Offline


    What about Fullwidth characters?
  30. Offline


    Can you make it so people who are not Op/Staff can copy books but with economy support.

    Like for example Staff can make a chest with a sign above the chest then do it in this format on the sign:

    Line 1: [BuyCopy]
    Line 2: [Price] for example 10

    Thats all you really need.. and this is what happens.. If you hold a book you have made in your hand and right click the sign with the book you make a copy of that book for 10 coins (or whatever you put for price) but also when you do that it removes a book and quill out of your inventory (if you don't have a book and quill you get a error message saying something like &2You do not have a book and quill in your inventory!)

    Another great add-on to the plugin would be book shops that players and staff can make (if they have a permission node) so basically it's the same as before and this works well with the [BuyCopy] one because as well as publish your book you can sell it in a bookshop so this is how you set it up...

    Line 1: [BuyBook]
    Line 2: [Owner] (The Owner of the shop and who the money goes too)
    Line 3: [Book Name] For Example Test Book
    Line 4: [Book Price] For Example 10

    To buy a book all you do it right click and you don't need a book and quill for this because your buying the book not copying it then you lose 10 money but gain 1 copy of the book. also if you set the [Price] to Free or 0 it means you can get the books for free (Useful for guide books etc..) also another feature for before you buy a book would be good for a preview of the book. Not sure how you would do this though. Maybe left click the sign then use /Buybook preview? and what that would do is show you a preview of the book. Dunno how tho because if you only show a Preview of page 1 but not the others people could put all the writing on page one and remove the text on the other pages.. and if you let them preview the whole book then there is no need to buy the book.

    Please read what I have suggested above and I really hope you agree that this is a good idea because it would be really useful in my own opinion.

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