GemMiners plugin help!

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Frackle, Jun 18, 2016.

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    Hey there, i need help from a developer that is able to create a plugin for me. The plugin(as you can see in the title), is called GemMiners. This plugin is a minigame where you mine blocks, sell them and can write /rankup that gets you for example from A mine to B mine. Rankup's cost money, which is obtained by selling blocks, ores and other stuff you pick up by mining in the mine. This plugin needs; cooperation with WorldEdit, a script that makes the blocks able to spawn different every time the mine gets refilled, an announcer that can say "The mines have been refilled", or "Mine A have been refilled" and an easy setup. The author will receive all credit.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Moved to plugin requests.
    @Frackle please check out and try to follow the "read me first" of this section.
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