Gear rating in minecraft - Prefered MySQL

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by shoter, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: role play

    Suggested name: Gear Ranking

    What I want:
    I'd like to see a plugin which stores each players gear ranking in a mysql database. If mysql proves to be a problem then do it by any other means, however I need this plugin to use as minimum resources as possible.

    What is Gear Rating (GR)?
    Gear rating is players overall rating combined from the stats on his armor and weapon.

    What are stats?
    Stats are lores added onto an item like such.

    Each stat will have a gear rating. So what will the plugin have to do is read each lore of each players and add up the sum total of the Gear rating and display it whenever anyone wishes to check someone's rating through a command. /gearrating (name) or /gearrating to see your own rating.

    So far the stats are:
    '+X Health' ---> Each 1 X of Health = to 10 Gear Rating (GR)
    '+X Armor' ---> 1 X of Armor = 5 GR
    '+X Damage' ---> 1 X of Damage = 8GR
    '+X Life Steal' ---> 1 X of Life Steal = 15GR
    '+X Attack Speed' ---> 1 X of Attack speed = 8GR
    '+X Evasion' ---> 1 X of Evasion = 10GR
    '+X Regen' ---> 1 X of Regen = 20GR
    'Empty Slot' ---> 1 empty slot = 1GR

    What is the purpose of this plugin?
    This should hopefully allow players to compare their gear without of showing it to each other, this should make PVP more fair too. Players will be able to do /gearrating (name) and see if they stand a chance vs that player.

    Ideas for commands: /gearrating (name)

    Ideas for permissions: gearrating.check

    When I'd like it by: 2 Weeks
  2. Offline


    shoter I like the idea. Not sure who to read attributes of items tho. Might look into that

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