
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Mister_Fix, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Offline


    i know my server isnt the best place for this plugin but im just too sick of players say "OH COMON , YOU JUST LEFT THE GAME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT!!!"
    so here we go:
    suggested name: GCPvPLogger
    features: the plugin will mark for 5 seconds a player when he gets hit, and if during those 5 seconds the players logs off his name will be stored in a text file inside the directory the plugin creates and next time that player logs on he will be killed and a message will pop infront of everyone (customizeble)
    in addition, id like the plugin to show a custon message when he get tagged (and by who he was tagged), and a message that says that he was untagged (after 5 second)
    /gcpl check - gives you a list of all tagged payers that logged of in the middle of a fight.
    /gcpl reload - reloads the plugin.
    /gcpl help list of all commands.
    thats it for now, thank you for reading, and if you need more info just ask.
  2. Offline


    go to plugins.bukkit.org and look for antipvprelog or antirelog, this will do what u want :) but the player will get killen directly when he logs out, and will (if you chose for it) drop his armor, items, and xp.
  3. Offline


    i saw these plugins, their not exactly what i need... thanks anyway
  4. Offline


    why not? all messages are customizeble and they will get killed when they logout. :p

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