Gamemode Changing problem

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by monkeymanboy, Sep 28, 2013.

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    I'm setting up a system of creative for my plots world
    heres my code
    1. @EventHandler
    2. public void GamemodeWorld(PlayerChangedWorldEvent event){
    3. if(!(event.getPlayer().getGameMode() == GameMode.ADVENTURE))
    4. if(!event.getPlayer().getWorld().getName().equals("plotworld")){
    5. event.getPlayer().setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL);
    6. } else if(event.getPlayer().getWorld().getName().equals("plotworld")){
    7. if(event.getPlayer().hasPermission("plotworld.premium"));
    8. event.getPlayer().setGameMode(GameMode.CREATIVE);
    9. }
    10. }
    11. @EventHandler
    12. public void GamemodeLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event){
    13. if(event.getPlayer().hasPermission("plotworld.premium")){
    14. if(!event.getPlayer().getWorld().getName().equals("plotworld"))
    15. event.getPlayer().setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL);
    16. } else
    17. event.getPlayer().setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL);
    18. }

    PROBLEMS: It make my gamemode creative then survival again if I go to plotworld and if I join in plotworld it sets me back to survival if im in creative

  2. @monkeymanboy
    that's not a plugin error. that's because you changed world. you have different Player.dat, so you'll have different gamemode, i don't know if theres a work around sorry!

    EDIT: ok so i took another look, you'll need to add a clock, so every 10 secconds, annyone in plotworld will change to creative, and if you dont want to do that, just add an essential sign, and make it
    and give the perm to everyone in plotworld, that would be my probfix.
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    2000callum Couldn't I just add a delay then so that it changes it as soon as they are in that world?

  4. monkeymanboy thats actually smarter, i dont know how that would work, but what im thinking is PlayerListener and use a wait, count down 4 secconds, and then do it. because that would make it less ram consuming, as-well as less code-script you'll have to write, i just took a lookinto bukkit and couldent find a working code with my no-lage, but im sure you can work it out!
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    2000callum I think I can just do this
    1. this.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleAsyncDelayedTask(this, new Runnable() {

    EDIT: works
  6. well, ok glad it worked. i hope i helped you, + you just helped me aswell!
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