Furnance inventory not updating

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by darkhelmet, Aug 19, 2012.

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    I spoke to some folks in bukkitdev at length but no one could resolve this issue. Before filing a bug I wanted to post here.

    I have a spell plugin that uses written books. I have a book that instantly turns smeltable items into their finish product. It works fine when I run the code from a PlayerInteractEvent, detecting a punch with said book on a furnace.

    However, it would be cooler to use the book as fuel instead,

    I wrote this code:


    And it works properly, *except* for the fact that the final results of the code don't show up until you click anywhere in the inventory. It's like the .updateInventory() issue for players, but is for a furnace.

    Any ideas?
  2. You can use FurnaceBurnEvent to make the furnace start burning when an item is placed in the fuel slot, a.k.a. creating fuels.
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    It doesn't seem to me that a FurnaceBurnEvent would even be fired considering it's not a flammable item.
  4. It does.
    That's how I'm adding fuels in my RecipeManager plugin :)
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    Thanks, that does work.
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